Maybe it’s easier to use a notebook with endless pages connected vertically than an infinitely wide canvas.

  • Infinitely wide canvas requires decision-making on “where to write” before starting to write
  • If it is shaped like a notebook, the writing is afforded at the bottom.
  • Write first, then organize after the fact.

I want to make sure I don’t destroy what I have written in the past when I organize it later.

  • Just make sure that past ones are locked and cannot be edited unless explicitly unlocked.
  • Then the locked one can be displayed with the rendered image until it is released.
  • Two pages side by side for organization
    • Select the old one and drag-drop to the new one
    • If you do, it would be nice to be able to duplicate the new one without updating the old one.

Isn’t that the handy handwritten note you were thinking of making now, Regroup?

  • Common parts but different.
  • Regroup was created to eliminate the pain points of the KJ method using paper sticky notes
    • In the process, I added handwriting capabilities.
    • Handwriting is sub
    • The main purpose is to be able to organize over 100 stickies on the screen
    • As for its purpose.
      • Use it to prepare for CCSE.
      • Groups in and out” and “images” are bottlenecks.
      • The image flickering issue is on its way to being resolved.
    • The “infinitely wide whiteboard” condition is more appropriate for this purpose
      • The “endless pages of notes” style is an improvement on the handwritten notes I use every day these days.
      • It would be better to create this one as a new separate project pTegaki.
        • And the way we hold data itself is changing.
        • Codes that are commonly used in both projects may be common.
        • but if you’re integrated from the start, you’ll end up with an unreasonable abstraction.
    • Regroup has the ability to pour in multi-line text.
      • Easy to work with export tools even in its current state.
      • A function to read from Scrapbox would be sufficient for my use case.
    • In the future, Ability to automatically inscribe long-form content on stickies would be interesting, but that’s another story
    • Once you remove collaborative editing by multiple people from the scope, the status management system can remain as it is now.
    • A proxy was created to display images.
      • Considering whether we can leave that to cloud function or something else.
      • I was wondering about lambda since it can’t return raw binaries.
      • If we can’t return the other ones across the board (which is possible), we’ll have to give up and come up with other measures.
      • I feel like a small instance of ec2 would be fine.

Regroup Side

  • A place where hundreds of items on a single theme are placed and destructively updated. Handwritten note side
  • A place to accumulate handwritten notes on a daily basis
  • Past logs are basically a place to accumulate without destructive updates.

I’d like to be able to export or import chunks of handwritten note paths into Regroup.

  • Rustic means images
  • The only way to put it in Scrapbox is to have an image.
  • It’s fine as long as it’s stored in the form of a modifiable path and you keep a link to it.

The problem Regroup wanted to solve

  • In front of a piece of information on a scale that feels cognitively daunting.
  • Support for the process of structuring it
  • In fact, for about 100 pieces I can do without grouping.
  • But I see the need for grouping for the more burdensome issues.
  • The lack of tools to help there is preventing better structuring.
  • So I want support tools.
  • The problem with Regroup right now
    • Where it’s mandatory to put a nameplate on the group.
    • Where dismantling groups and adding items is not yet implemented.
  • We need to fix that area.

raw Rather than an infinitely wide canvas, a notebook with an infinite number of pages connected vertically may be easier for the user to work with. Infinitely wide canvas requires a decision of “where to write” before starting to write, and if it is in a notebook-like form, writing is afforded at the bottom. First, write, then post-order. I want to make sure I don’t destroy what I have written in the past when I organize it later. Just make sure that past ones are locked and cannot be edited unless explicitly unlocked. Then the locked one can be displayed with the rendered image until it is released. It would be nice to be able to display two pages side by side to organize them, and if you select the older one and drag-drop it onto the newer one, you can duplicate the newer one without updating the older one. Isn’t that the handy handwritten note you were thinking of making now, Regroup? Common parts but different. Regroup was created to eliminate the pain points of the KJ method using paper sticky notes In the process, I added handwriting capabilities. Handwriting is a sub, the main purpose is to be able to organize over 100 stickies on the screen For that purpose, I’ve used it to prepare CCSE, and the “group in/out” and “image” bottlenecks and image flickering problems are being resolved. The “infinitely wide whiteboard” condition is more appropriate for this purpose The “endless pages of notes” style is an improvement on the handwritten notes I use every day these days. I think it would be better to create this one as a new separate project. And the way we hold data itself is changing. Cards that are common to both projects can be common, but if they’re integrated from the start, you’re creating an impossible abstraction. Regroup has a multi-line text pouring function, so it’s easy to integrate with export tools even in its current state, and adding a function to read from Scrapbox is sufficient for my use case. In the future, it would be interesting to have the ability to automatically inscribe long-form content on stickies, but that’s another story. Once you remove collaborative editing by multiple people from the scope, the status management system can remain as it is now. I’ve created a proxy to display images, but was wondering if I could leave that to cloud function or something. lambda can’t return raw binaries, so I was wondering if that would be a good idea. If we can’t return the other ones across the board (which is possible), we’ll have to give up and come up with other measures. I feel like a small instance of ec2 would be fine. Card → Code The Regroup side is a place where hundreds of items on a single subject are placed and destructively updated, while the handwritten notes side is a place where handwritten notes are accumulated daily, and where logs are basically accumulated without destructive updates. It would be nice if a chunk of handwritten note paths could be exported or imported into Regroup, the naive means is an image, the only way to put it in Scrapbox is an image, as long as it is stored in the form of a path that can be changed and keeps a link to it, that’s all that matters! The problem that Regroup wanted to solve was to support the process of structuring a cognitively demanding piece of information in front of a large piece of information, and the reality is that I can do about 100 pieces without grouping, but I feel that grouping is necessary for more demanding tasks, and the lack of tools to support it is preventing better structuring. But I feel that grouping is necessary for more burdensome issues, and the lack of tools to support this is hindering better structuring, so I would like to have support tools. The problem with Regroup right now is that it forces groups to have a nameplate, and dismantling groups and adding items is not yet implemented. We need to fix that area.

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Regroup2020-01-27 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.