- reading is to read what has been written
- diary is a written record of my daily thoughts.
- If you don’t write it, it disappears.
- If you write it, it accumulates.
- If you don’t accumulate, you go around the same place.
- excavation is digging through the “strata” in which my past writings are accumulated and stacked, and discovering what might be of value to me now
- Read this again.
- These three complete the cycle.
rashita2: “Reading, Diary,” If I were to fill in the blanks, what would it be?
nishio: write what you think before reading others and then compare! “Reading, journaling, rereading.” These three complete the loop.
I thought when I pictured it, “reading back” duplicates the “reading” element, the purpose of which is that you need a process to discover what you have written and make it the subject of “reading”.
nishio: the first word that came to me was “read back”, but when I sorted it out based on the picture, “excavate” seemed to fit better
nishio: version 2 “Reading, Diary, Excavation”
nishio: drawing a picture will advance your thinking
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/読書、日記、発掘 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.