- In the preface to “The Intellectual Production of Engineers,” I wrote, “Read it again in six months.”
- This is because it is more efficient to study in intervals, as I wrote on p. 91.
- On the other hand, you can’t remember the task “read in six months” for six months.
- So it is better to fill in the calendar, this is written on p.52
If it is a specific date and time to do the “next specific action to take,” write it on the calendar.
- color bath effect
- It is difficult to answer the question, “Answer the red things you have seen in the past,” but the effect is that if you are conscious of looking for red things, you will see a lot of red things.
- If a new angle is presented in this book and you are asked to answer a case study that you have experienced in the past, and it is difficult to answer
- But when you’re aware of the cutoff, it’s easier to find information that fits that cutoff, even in your daily life.
- I would think that six months would be enough time to see the benefits.
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