[/rashitamemo/cognitively busy](https://scrapbox.io/rashitamemo/cognitively busy).
In cognitively busy situations, the ability to control oneself is weakened. And it makes it easier to engage in
behavior. Perhaps we expect it is due to Cognitive busyness and not to the amount of knowledge. First, it perceives the world in an extremely simplistic way. Second, it perceives the world based on the ideal of âI wish it were soâ (âwithout regard to substance). This would be a thorough suppression of MP consumption. I think that zero-risk faith and the tendency to excessively seek being upright and cleanhanded have similar roots.
from [/unnamedcamp/concept intersection](https://scrapbox.io/unnamedcamp/concept intersection).
For example, if it were
, this page memo would probably add tags such as âright mindâ and âsimplification thoughtâ.
Mustnât multiple concepts be encountered and tied together, so they must be referenced in their own context?ăBecause I feel that
As the person who created the page, Iâve been thinking a bit about whether or not to add `ârighteousnessâ etc. tags and âsimplistic thinkingâ type tags.
Such tags are not inappropriate. Rather, it is contextually appropriate.
When I ask if you are going to put it on, you probably wonât.
I would rather create a link like âThe Relationship Between Righteousness and Simplistic Thinkingâ and try to write something on that page. Probably because I have a number of ideas similar to the above stored up in my mind, and I have a sense that I can say something about this.
I just thought Iâd put it here to give you an idea of what I would do.
relevance - Saving Thought - Link to 2 other pages where this keyword appears
- Unlink âhabitâ and link âcognitive busyness,â âcleanliness,â âjustice,â and âsimplicity.â
Ask yourself why you did it.
- This is âthe idea of borrowed thingâ and neither of the two terms rules of use is familiar with my usage
- But I donât find it difficult to understand.
- This is like a road: âI didnât usually go this way, but I noticed a road here, I may go this way, Iâll add it to the map in my brain.
- So I made links to keywords in the borrowed text, and at the same time, I added links to âpaths I already have in my mindâ that were associated with the text, so that they are interconnected
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Re:èȘç„çă«ćżăă using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. Iâm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.