from The Third Fusion in Japanese History
Puritan Calvinism and its influence on the American colonies
Influenced by Calvinism, the Puritans strongly demonstrated their faith and values in community cohesion, strict morality, a spirit of hard work, emphasis on education, and restrictions on religious liberty in the American colonies.
What impact did the Puritans’ strong Calvinist influence have regarding the American colonies?
The influence of Calvinism on the Puritans was also evident in the American colonies. The following are some of the major influences
Community oriented Calvinism emphasizes community cohesion. In Puritan colonies, the church became the center of the community, and those who shared the faith worked closely together to build their lives.
Strict moral values:. The Puritans emphasized individual virtue and community order. This was influenced by Calvinism, which emphasized the avoidance of sin in daily life and the observance of church and community norms.
Preconceptions and the Spirit of Diligence:. Calvinism had a preterite belief that only the elect would be saved. This influenced the Puritan view of hard work and the value of success. Indeed, many Puritans viewed their own diligent labor as devotion to God.
Emphasis on education:. Because the ability to read the Bible was so important in the life of faith, the Puritans placed great emphasis on education. This greatly influenced the development of the early American educational system. For example, in 1636 Harvard College was founded and began with the purpose of training ministers.
Religious Liberty Restrictions:. On the other hand, the Puritans strictly adhered to their own faith and were not tolerant of other religious groups or those with different interpretations. This later led to religious conflicts among the colonies and religious persecution.
Through these factors, Puritan beliefs and values deeply influenced the society, politics, and economy of the American colonies.
I see literacy rate. So it is beneficial to keep the literacy rate low to govern a large number of illiterate people, but it is more efficient to govern a small number of people in a literate community for a new colony.
Yes, that is correct. Literacy has a significant impact on the governance and development of a country or society, depending on its historical context and purpose.
A scene of governing a multitude of people. Historically, some rulers and dynasties have attempted to maintain power by keeping popular literacy low, thereby limiting the distribution of information and the potential for rebellion. People with low literacy have limited access to information, making it difficult for them to be the starting point for political movements and change.
New colonial scene:. When small groups such as the Puritans settle in a new location, literacy facilitates information sharing and cooperation within the community. Literacy also gives those who are literate an advantage in making contracts and understanding the law, as well as in economic activities and negotiations with the outside world. The Puritans emphasized education and literacy because of their emphasis on Bible reading.
Thus, literacy is a major factor in the direction of social governance and development in a variety of historical and social contexts.
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