from Third Algorithm Practical Skills Test
O - Ring Toss
- Thoughts. - Do Choose M from N three times
- Official Explanation
- least-cost current
It is important that the incremental cost at times 1, 2, and 3 be monotonically increasing
Three sides can be subtracted.
I look at the problem and attribute it to the least cost flow, what should I think about… - Attributed to the least-cost stream Made
- AC
- Graph Construction
- Mistakes with subscripts
- Negative edges sometimes return incorrect values, so add INF. python
- Graph Construction
def solve(N, M, AS, BS, RS):
INF = 10 ** 5
mcf = MinCostFlow(N + 5)
start = N
goal = N + 1
round = N + 2
for i in range(3):
mcf.add_edge(start, round + i, M, 0)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(N):
r = AS[j] * (BS[j] ** (i + 1)) % RS[i]
mcf.add_edge(round + i, j, 1, INF - r)
for j in range(N):
cs = [AS[j] * (BS[j] ** (k + 1)) for k in range(3)]
for k in range(3):
c = cs[k] - cs[k-1]
mcf.add_edge(j, goal, 1, c)
return INF * (3 * M) - mcf.flow(start, goal)[-1]
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