- Since there is a transit point, find the distance from the Y intersection to the three points and choose the one with the smallest sum.
- The cost is on the vertices, not on the edges, but we can just search from the least expensive one in the Dijkstra method sense.
- O(V^2logV), so we can make it in time.
Official Explanation - Steiner tree
- Construct a graph and use Dijkstra method to find one_to_all distances from three endpoints
- This counts three intersections, so subtract two.
- Answer the minimum cost of the Y-junction obtained python
def solve(H, W, AS):
from collections import defaultdict
edges = defaultdict(dict)
for x in range(W):
for y in range(H):
pos = y * W + x
if x < W - 1:
edges[pos + 1][pos] = AS[y][x]
if x > 0:
edges[pos - 1][pos] = AS[y][x]
if y < H - 1:
edges[pos + W][pos] = AS[y][x]
if y > 0:
edges[pos - W][pos] = AS[y][x]
d1 = one_to_all(W - 1, H * W, edges)
d2 = one_to_all(W * (H - 1), H * W, edges)
d3 = one_to_all(W * H - 1, H * W, edges)
INF = 9223372036854775807
ret = INF
for x in range(W):
for y in range(H):
pos = y * W + x
v = d1[pos] + d2[pos] + d3[pos] - 2 * AS[y][x]
if v < ret:
ret = v
return ret
- [[shortest path problem]]
- [[Shortest path not a straight road]]
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