from Diary 2023-12-15
One step forward question.
- When Mr. A has knowledge in the range of A and I have knowledge in the range of B, if I ask QB questions, which is my primary interest, Mr. A They don’t understand. so I ask QA questions
- It is natural that the scope of knowledge B extends beyond A in the direction of Mr. B’s interests because he tends to be more knowledgeable about his area of interest than someone who is not interested in it.
- Answer to that
- X: The one that says it’s obvious
- A thinks he understands, but he doesn’t understand B’s intentions at all.
- For B, the answer is worthless.
- Y: Think in A’s way
- For A, it was an interesting extension of his own knowledge base.
- For B, the answer itself is worthless because he already has it.
- I like Mr. A for approaching me in my area of interest.
- Z: Unknown answer even for B
- This is very valuable to B
- The picture looks like it’s very far from A, but actually it might be closer to A from another perspective.
- X: The one that says it’s obvious
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/一歩手前の質問 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.