from Diary 2023-10-13 OMNI Impressions for 2023-10-13 reading /blu3mo-public/omni
I guess this is the generation of the page with 🌀 in the title.
- Yes, but there’s a lot more in there than that.
- I wanted to make [Pages that sometimes emerge
“What I want to see develop when I wake up tomorrow morning,” and “Sometimes it floats up,” and “It doesn’t have to float up anymore.”
- To restate it in today’s terms, there are the following four patterns in terms of time
- A: Develop now (✍️🤖)
- B: I’ll see it tomorrow, you can do it at night (🔁)
- C:Update occasionally(🌀)
- D: You don’t have to update it anymore.
- I first implemented it in B, but as I used it, I differentiated it into four patterns.
- A will now be developed and turned into D.
- B and C are repeated
- Related: AI Page Marks.
- In the early days, it was the implementation of B. The omni itself was the focus of interest, and that was fine, we were gunning for it.
- As I got more comfortable with it, the omni itself went from being an “object of interest” to a “useful tool.
- Around that point, there was a division between the use of “A” to “explicitly develop the subject you want to develop,” and “C” to “I’ve been running my guns on B, but I don’t think I need to do that anymore.
- You use A a lot, because you use it explicitly.
- I made a mistake in the process of creating private-omni that unintentionally caused the search results themselves to appear in C, which caused “[Vector search is an opportunity to cut out
- The system is going to encourage “cutting out” and “componentizing” of it while exploring the surroundings of the subject of interest
- This is my impression as of 2023/10/13.
- [/nishio/IterativeCommenter’s conception](’s conception).
The topic will no longer go off the rails like the original Recurrent Notes, but instead will stay around the summary at the beginning and gradually explore outward.
Let’s move this to private-omni…
- Interesting story about picking up unknown bits and pieces, it’s more interesting to search outside of your own Scrapbox…
Behavior expected on the page that emerges from time to time
I’ll put 🌀 on the hook of my writing and leave it hanging in the sea of undisclosed information.
1: Fish hooked
2: Fishing it out and cooking it
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/2023-10-13のomni感想 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.