2019-09-24 Wrote this to clear my head after making YouTube videos for a week.
1: Information is input to humans through experience. As for the amount of information input, there is not much difference since everyone has 24 hours in a day, but as for the content of information gained, it differs depending on the knowledge. As a simple example, if a Japanese speaker who cannot read Chinese and an English speaker are left in China for a day, they will both experience “being left in China for a day,” but if we delve into the details of their experience, they are different. Neither is better or worse at this stage.
2: Some input information is non-reusable or worthless to others. Only what is reusable and valuable can be reused in the future to create value (tautology). For example, “It was painful being surrounded by unreadable text!” is very unlikely to be available.
3: Stored information creates value when it is output in a timely manner when it is needed. This “ability to produce well-timed output” used to be regarded as “smartness. However, this ability can be enhanced by information technology. Information can be stored in a search (e.g. for someone using a search engine) enabled manner, or a system such as Scrapbox can be used to support “recollection” without explicit search. In addition to information technology, some intellectual production techniques aim to support this ability. Chunking, hook making, handle, grouping, and other less popular terms are concepts that have been mentioned repeatedly in the past and present.
The reason I brought this up is that the current output method, YouTube, is weak in terms of IT support. Only four links can be posted at the end of the video for a maximum of 20 seconds.” Playlists are special objects. It is often perceived that “you can link to up to 4 videos from a video,” but this can be a playlist, and you can link to an indefinite number of videos from a playlist. Playlists implicitly have an order of content, but you can browse according to that order, or you can pick and choose where you like. Playlists can be created after the videos are posted. So this is a bottom-up grouping.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/思考の結節点2019-09-24 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.