I’m importing from my personal project because I don’t want to age the page here due to the self-righteous element of personal customization /villagepump/kuuote#621e530d4bb2e20000b69a5c.

  • I thought, “Well, that makes sense,” so I imitated him.
  • At first it was just UserScript, but now CSS has been added, and now it’s a set of icons as well, so I don’t think the name is appropriate.
  • I wonder if renaming won’t break links from other projects?

When I had a face icon on “my page,” I didn’t think much of the fact that every time I edited the code, a big card with my face on it would come up.

  • I couldn’t verbalize the discomfort, but it was psychological resistance to “something coming up that I didn’t want you to see.
  • I changed the face icon and it’s a little more comfortable.
  • As for this project, I pinned it and erased it with CSS. - Turn off favicon page with CSS

for new mypage


  @import "https://scrapbox.io/api/code/nishio/MyUserScript/style.css";
  import '/api/code/nishio/MyUserScript/script.js'

PomodoroScrapbox script.js

import '/api/code/nishio/PomodoroScrapbox/script.js'

open with porter script.js

import '/api/code/nishio/open_with_porter/script.js'

ToMyProj script.js


[/takker/ PopupMenu to convert selection to Markdown notation and copy to clip board](https://scrapbox.io/takker/ PopupMenu to convert selection to Markdown notation and copy to clip board). script.js_disable


AskChatGPT script.js


ChatGPTToScrapbox script.js


2018-09-19 Date and time format to ←. script.js




@import "https://scrapbox.io/api/code/nishio/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%87%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E8%A1%A8%E7%A4%BA/style.css";

[/noratetsu/● “Display line numbers” improved](https://scrapbox.io/noratetsu/● “Display line numbers” improved). style.css_disable

/* Show line numbers -- applies to windows 768px wide or wider */
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
  .editor .lines { counter-reset: line }
  /* remove :not(.line-title) when counting from the title */
  .editor .line:not(.line-title) { counter-increment: line }
  /* remove :not(.line-title) when counting from the title */
  .app:not(.presentation) .editor .line:not(.line-title)::before { 
    content: counter(line); 
    position: absolute; display: inline-block; left: -110px; z-index: 10; 
    min-width: 50px; text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;
    /* Specify line number font, color, etc. here */
    font-family: monospace; color: grey }
  /* display the line number of the cursor line darker */
  .editor .line:not(.line-title)::before { opacity: .5 }
  .editor .line.cursor-line:not(.line-title)::before { opacity: 1; font-weight: bolder } }

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/MyUserScript using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.