2022-01-17 Done.
- Enter the day’s workout from your phone without having to manually enter the name of the workout or the date
- Each workout can have a free description of any length
- Can’t I just delete the title field from the record?
- looking like one is not going to make it
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Notion/comments/hadrpu/a_table_without_a_title_column/
- Is it possible to hide the title field in the calendar view?
hmm So the base class for all information is “page” and it has a “title” field.
- Subtle
- Subtle
hmm For example, should I make a separate page for each muscle training content and write the content on a single line in the title? But that would be a pain in the ass to make it a separate record,” he said, and he wouldn’t do it.
Wouldn’t it be better to use kintone instead of Notion?
Can’t the multi-select be the target of the calendar view…
- Record ID is displayed because the title is not specified.
- It is possible to change the look and feel with JS customization…
If I make a lot of messy notions in Notion for the sake of “being able to display on the calendar”, it will be too much of a hassle to write muscle training notes, and I’ll stop doing muscle training.
I tried to do it in Notion because I was worried that “doing it in Scrapbox might destroy or slow down the existing network” due to Scrapbox’s poor squeeze, but maybe what I really need to do is to do it as a separate project in Scrapbox.
I have a feeling this is the way to go…
- Yes, it’s not a calendar view, but “Is it really an important requirement that it be a calendar view?” but “Is it really important that it be a calendar view?
What are the really important requirements?
- To be able to note when you have done muscle training without stress.
- Easy to look back (what is)
- Need to be able to take notes easily.
- I may take notes in the park on my phone; I don’t require a PC.
- Need less work to do when you decide to take notes.
My wife sent me the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ-uUtHHyzc&feature=youtu.be Ah, I see. I tried the template button and thought, “No, not even if text is added…” but you can shove a record in there.
I made it.
Drag and drop to calendar view is not available on smartphones. To insert a date and time using a method other than dragging to the calendar view
- Proposal to change the date and time used to display the calendar view to the date and time of creation.
- You can’t edit it later, so you’re obligated to make sure you create a record on the day you muscle up, but if you do that, no problem.
- No, no, I won’t be able to put in the data from the muscle training before yesterday.
- Add undated records at the park and put them in the appropriate places in the calendar view when you return.
- Q: If I use “@today” for Date, won’t today’s date be included when it is generated?
- A:Date type is INVALID because it is not text.
The “record title contains a specific string” can be narrowed down, so it is easy to look back in the past if each narrowing is generated
I’m starting to feel like I can do it, but it’s becoming more and more of a hassle.
- My wife suggested that we could do it with Linked Database.
- If you use Linked Database to create a database called “Today’s” or “Title contains barhang”, you can create a record with those values automatically inserted by simply pressing the Add button.
- I confirmed that it works fine on my phone because it doesn’t require any dragging, etc. against the addition.
So let’s make it again from scratch.
First, create an empty page.
And create a database.
Creating a Linked Database
Today in Filter
Duplicate and add Filter
Assigned to days of the week using Linked Database for all types of workouts
It’s done.
If the data entry part goes smoothly, the history part can be done later.
2022-01-17 Strength training is twice a week, so I don’t get much data in, maybe I should record stretches with it.
https://twitter.com/mizukih__/status/1481944275860750340?s=21 I can see the record before and after right away, so I can see “how many times I did squats the last time I squatted” right away.
- As for changing the title of the first entry, you don’t have to create a separate Linked Database, you can use a template.
- I wonder if there is a way to set the initial value of the date in the template to “today”…
- Huh? No.
- In the template, there’s a value in the title, but it disappears when you create a record.
- They’ve been saying that for two years.
Fairly essential differences between Notion and Scrapbox
- Notion can be the same string of record titles.
- Scrapbox tries to summarize the page titles if they are the same string. As a wiki, it’s natural to summarize, and as a database, it’s natural not to summarize.
- Input from the phone is not a hindrance, but the display hides the crucial number of exercises.
- The width of the phone is too narrow.
- The year cannot be removed by changing the date format.
- The display column for the date itself was moved to the right.
Gallery view for looking back
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Notionで筋トレメモ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.