- This kind of look
Some images.
"relatedPages": {
"links1hop": [
"id": "5e50e3a3677dc400173c92fe",
"title": "Scrapbox Street Looks", "title": "Scrapbox Street Looks", "title": "Scrapbox Street Looks", "title".
"titleLc": "Looks as good as scrapbox", "titleLc".
"image": "https://gyazo.com/18cd54dd6a838012d41fb11c9b5c57b6/raw",
"descriptions": [
"This is how it looks."
"linksLc": [],
"updated": 1582359484,
"accessed": 1582359490
"id": "5e50e348fa1ccc001771ad0a",
"title": "Add connection status indicator", "title".
"titleLc": "Add connection status indicator", "title".
"image": null,
"descriptions": [
"from [pRegroup]",
"Turn on the connection status indicator",.
"ReadOnly and so on",.
"The most recent write has an error, or something like that.",.
"Request to image server failed, or something like that."
"linksLc": [
"updated": 1582359369,
"accessed": 1582359369
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Scrapbox通りの見栄え using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.