Chronologically, after [Building a Tachikoma with LEGO7
- I just received Lego order 20210215, but I think I need to sort it out because I have been building and destroying it and it has become a temporary mess, and there are more parts that I didn’t know about. Gatling tip done Round part 6222 done Black with no gray round bottom 2×2×2 2×1×2 done because of missing blue 2×3 blocks Slope is black because there is no blue
Side stud 1×4 blocks used up. No blue 1×4 plate, so substitute another color for the hidden area, grill is not available. Blue 1×6 plates would be nice to have → bought.
It is easy to do if 1x1’s, plates, etc. are placed together in the process of creation.
1x3 slope curves are plentiful.
I rather thought I had enough, 1×2 is not enough.
There are no 2x2s, so it’s used there as well.
I counted up the pieces I had on hand to see how much I needed, and I found that I used 10 pieces on one side, which is not much at all, right?
Surprisingly, there are only a few clip bars left.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/レゴ日記2021/2/17 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.