By representing numbers as a combination of exponentially periodic rotating unit vectors in a Positional Encoding-like fashion, the addition can be learned in a surprisingly small network. If N-digit integers are embedded in 2N dimensions, the intermediate layer can answer all 3-digit addition questions correctly with only 32 units.
Percentage of correct 2-digit addition, when the embedding is 2-dimensional
16: 2291/5050 = 45.4%
32: 3586/5050 = 71.0%
64: 4276/5050 = 84.7%
128: 4719/5050 = 93.4%
256: 4909/5050 = 97.2%
In 4 dimensions
16: 4899/5050 = 97.0%
32: 5050/5050 = 100.0%
64: 5050/5050 = 100.0%
128: 5050/5050 = 100.0%
256: 5050/5050 = 100.0%
3-digit addition (embedded in 6 dimensions)
16: 423463/500500 = 84.6%
32: 500500/500500 = 100.0%
A neural net Visualizing Neural Networks in the Traveling Salesman Problem that correctly answers all 5050 addition problems with results between two-digit numbers that fall within two digits, as small as 8→32→4, shows that the middle layer is divided into two halves and It turns out that only half of the input is of interest.
And if we visualize the projection to the output layer according to this reordering of the intermediate layer, it looks like this.
As you might expect from the fact that two-digit integers are embedded in 2*2 dimensions, in essence, the rotators with period 100 and period 10 represent the tens and ones, respectively. However, since this is positional encoding, the 10’s do not rise in a staircase-like fashion, but only oscillate 10 times slower.
NN that can add 3 digits.
Two questions are still wrong: 32: 500498/500500 = 100.0%.
I tried to find a mathematical explanation for why 8→12→4 is more than 90% successful, but I don’t know if there is one. In the case of simple multiplication, 4 times the input is required, but in this case, the fact that the input is restricted to the unit circumference is probably of some use. :
20: 5043/5050 = 99.9%
19: 5041/5050 = 99.8%
18: 4975/5050 = 98.5%
17: 5002/5050 = 99.0%
16: 4957/5050 = 98.2%
15: 4765/5050 = 94.4%
14: 5003/5050 = 99.1%
13: 4921/5050 = 97.4%
12: 4592/5050 = 90.9%
11: 4489/5050 = 88.9%
10: 3632/5050 = 71.9%
9: 2866/5050 = 56.8%
8: 2477/5050 = 49.0%
7: 1919/5050 = 38.0%
6: 1887/5050 = 37.4%
5: 815/5050 = 16.1%
4: 368/5050 = 7.3%
3: 250/5050 = 5.0%
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/足し算の学習 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.