Organize leverage memo I am in the process of organizing my notes from various books (leverage memos), which I printed out in A4 size and put in a super-organized notebook, but left the back white and used it for my notes, so eventually I will need to replace it when the notebook is full. At that time, I will review the text and make changes. I’ve done this many times, leaving only what I think is important and cutting back. Aim.” should be “Aim.” to “Aim” or “If hoge hoge ga fugafu ga then you should piyo piyo! Then you should do piyo-piyo!” and so on. … “I should have done it” to “I should have done it”. “Most of the ‘s” should be ” are”. Because it’s obvious that it’s not 100%. Hatena2009-07-02

I saw a statement that removing superfluous words from a sentence improves the writing, and Twitter is perfect for this exercise because the word count is displayed in real time.

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