from /villagepump/2023/07/11
- [Start up update model by drawing conceptual map.
- I had a fantasy of a real-life model rising from the shadows.
- I remember thinking something similar (?). I remember thinking about this once./motoso/現実理解モデル
- > Dimensions can be reduced to understand things (dimensional reduction).
- Maybe I’m losing a dimension.
- In order to materialize a concept, you have to drop a dimension to express it.
- See what you represent and give feedback to the model.
- > Opportunity to modify the model by comparing the model output with the external world if time is available
- > Technology is evolving in a spiral and may look the same but be different, so the model needs to be updated appropriately
- spiral staircase
- Comparing your model to the outside world and updating your model when there is a difference may be exactly what you have in mind.
- Mmmm, sounds like an interesting story!
- Feedback stories of misalignment with reality
- PDCA and error back propagation
- A story of rising from the shadows
- Always in the shadows.
- > Tower casts a flat shadow on the ground
- > higher abstractions have information that corresponds to concrete layers of lower abstraction
- > By learning this less abstract information in a way that we don’t understand, we accumulate the knowledge that “A and B are connected.
- > Eventually, when A is understood, A, which was placed on the ground, is lifted high, and B and C are also pulled up.
- Oooh, I was horrified by what it said.
- There is always a shadow.”
- When I wrote this I was disappointed that the person I spoke to didn’t get it, so I’m saved by being helpful here, I’m coming of age 🙏.
- 井戸端に置いて供養🙏
- image というメタファーを複数人が使っているのは胸熱
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/概念地図を描くことでモデルを立ち上げ更新する using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.