prev Kozaneba Development Diary 2022-06-08
🍅11:51-12:16 [“requestAnimationFrame experiment”]
- The original implementation called onWheel at 120call/s.
- When I put React state updates into requestIdleCallback, onWheel becomes 15call/s (why?).
- When a previous Callback remains unprocessed, cancel it and create a new one.
- → to get about 70call/s.
- The wheel event is differential, so if you simply discard it, the screen will only move slowly.
- Self-supplied and added together.
- Hmmm, no obvious difference.
- Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think the effect of the “update delayed by up to 100ms after wheeling” makes it “go too far beyond where I expected it to go”.
- Let’s put it on hold as a feature toggle and then we’ll think about it.
- I still think it stops more snugly than it did before the change.
The performance problem (which I tried to solve) doesn’t look like it can be solved right away, so I’ll do the implementation of the features I want first, and I want to use it right away.
🍅14:43-15:08 “parse Scrapbox notation to get links” ✅.
🍅15:52-16:17 “import link” ✅.
- Use Promise.all MDN
🍅16:23-16:48 continued.
- It’s done!
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/Kozaneba開発日記2022-06-09 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.