- Do [[fine-tuning]] of [Japanese BERT
  • Iā€™ve even loaded a trained model of BERT on hand to vectorize the sentences and train a discriminative model.
    • It was 72.1%, so I want to experiment with fine-tuning this and see how far it goes up.
  • Read this.
  • Replicate finetune-to-livedoor-corpus.ipynb to your own Google Colab environment
  • It says to gcutil cp from within GCP, but I decided to mount Google Drive. - View Drive from Google Colab
  • Options for run_classifier:.
    • --model_file=../model/wiki-ja.model \
    • --vocab_file=../model/wiki-ja.vocab \
    • These specify the SentencePiece model.
      • If you follow the ipynb procedure, it is copied from GCP to Colabā€™s FS in advance.
      • Iā€™m not doing it, so Iā€™ll read from Google Drive.
      • like this
        • --model_file=/content/gdrive/My\ Drive/bert-wiki-ja/wiki-ja.model \
        • --vocab_file=/content/gdrive/My\ Drive/bert-wiki-ja/wiki-ja.vocab \
        • --init_checkpoint=/content/gdrive/My\ Drive/bert-wiki-ja/model.ckpt-1400000 \
      • Google Colabā€™s FS root is /content.
        • I didnā€™t want to make the mistake caused by relative paths, so I used absolute paths.
      • Note: BERT models must be loaded and results exported to GCP
  • Where data is being read
    • train_examples = processor.get_train_examples(FLAGS.data_dir)
      • The processor is processor = processors[task_name]() and --livedoorProcessor is selected by --task_name=livedoor passed as a command line argument.
      • LivedoorProcessor extends DataProcessor and calls the class method _read_tsv of the parent class, which simply opens the file, reads it as TSV and returns each line in a list
      • The result is used to create an InputExample object in LivedoorProcessor#_create_examples and put it in the list.
      • InputExample with text and label
  • Model Creation
    • model_fn_builder(...) Create model_fnwithtf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator, then wrap it with tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorand call itestimator`. - Where to read the learned model
      • model_fn_builder(...) call `create_model
      • This is done by creating the original BERT model and then output_layer = model.get_pooled_output().
      • It looks like you are implementing a simple logistic regression with get_pooled_output as input, but Iā€™m not sure why you had to implement it on your own.
      • Iā€™d like to customize things in the future, but for now, I guess Iā€™ll just accept ā€œthatā€™s the way it isā€ and move on.
      • The slight difference in my case this time is that the label is 0/1.
  • mounting
    • Import run_clussifier.py and create your own LivedoorProcessor equivalent and rewrite main to call it!
    • Use the mapping from title(unique id) to body text in honbun_data.json
    • The LivedoorProcessor reads different files for each method call, but in my case one
      • Create data outside of the class and have methods just return references
    • Negative-positive pairs are in negaposi.json, so use these.
    • Iā€™d like to customize things in the future, but for now, I guess Iā€™ll just accept ā€œthatā€™s the way it isā€ and move on.

      • Iā€™m starting to think I canā€™t do this.
      • Itā€™s not impossible, but implementing a negative-positive decision by receiving two pairs of values in LR isā€¦
      • No quicksand because there is no combination predispositionā€¦
      • Well, letā€™s do it as a simple means to an end.
    • In the first place, do we need pooled_output for each of the two input sentences?
      • Should I put it in BERT text_a and text_b?
    • The original _create_examples does tokenization.convert_to_unicode, but in my case itā€™s 0/1, so I guess I can put it in int.
  • He died after a short run. - Cannot write to Google Colabā€™s local FS from TPU
    • ā€œservice-***@cloud-tpu.iam.gserviceaccount.com does not have storage.objects.list access to ***.appspot.com.ā€
      • The cell labeled ā€œCheck TPUā€ in ipynb even grants GCP Bucket access to the TPU
      • If it doesnā€™t work, this is where youā€™ve failed and you need to start over. :
***** Eval results *****
eval_accuracy = 0.9525939
eval_loss = 0.40050572
global_step = 1047
loss = 0.39979258
CPU times: user 2.1 s, sys: 313 ms, total: 2.41 s
Wall time: 7min 54s


             precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.94      0.96      0.95      1118
           1       0.95      0.94      0.95      1117

    accuracy                           0.95      2235
   macro avg       0.95      0.95      0.95      2235
weighted avg       0.95      0.95      0.95      2235


[[1068   50]
 [  68 1049]]
  • It makes me want to spit on my eyebrows to see if itā€™s true.


  • Fine-tuning of BERT with 6705 data can be done in about 7 minutes using TPU
  • 72% to 95% accuracy
    • image
    • However, there is a problem that the results of processing B cannot be cached
      • I havenā€™t measured it, but Iā€™m concerned that the processing time will go up by an order of magnitude or two.
      • I want to try the right shape.
        • This is an addition caution
      • I want to try inner product attention and dimensionality reduction attention.

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ę—„ęœ¬čŖžBERT恮fine-tuning using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. Iā€™m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.