It is not intelligence that creates new things risk-taking.
- Nature has created a wide variety of shapes and systems through random mutations.
- No intelligence is involved here.
- There is a risk of dying by random mutation.
- Intelligence can only be involved in the a posteriori selection and resource allocation of randomly generated items.
- Nature has created a wide variety of shapes and systems through random mutations.
Random mutations of nature, of course, carry the risk that the individual will die.
- Dying is a process of natural selection
The mutation process, especially without scope, is very time consuming.
Intelligence can contribute to search efficiency by narrowing the scope of search, preliminarily
- However, this limitation on the scope of exploration often squelches the seeds for new ones to emerge.
- Difficult trade-off.
And by the way, nature isn’t blindly making random mutations either.
- There are mechanisms to raise and lower the mutation rate.
- Repeat sequences increase the frequency of recombination occurrence in that area.
- DNA damage repair function
- zoogamy
- Regulation of expression by [DNA methylation - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA%E3%83%A1%E3%83%81%E3%83%AB%E5%8C%96
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