• Ising formulations of many NP problems

  • Number Partitioning

    • There are N numbers. We want to divide this into two parts so that the sum of each part is the same.
    • s is a +1/-1 value indicating which group
    • Expect the contents of the parentheses to be zero.
    • In addition, just to be clear, if you expand
    • Therefore, J is .
  • Graph Partitioning

  • creek

  • How to reduce spin to log(N)

  • 4.1 Exact Cover

    • Given a set V of subsets of a set U of some size n, is there a subset of V such that any two elements are disjoint and if all are unions, then U?
    • Alpha runs the apex of the U.
    • The second sum β€œadds up xi for i such that Vi contains the vertex α”
    • In other words, up to (1-sum)^2 expresses β€œonly one selected (xi=1) Vi that contains the vertex α”.
  • 4.2 Set Packing

    • How do I increase the size of a subset of V under the condition that it is disjoint?
    • maximal independent set (MIS)
    • Set Packing
      • Suppose there is an edge (i, j) in the edge set E when Vi and Vj are not disjoint
      • It is not good if there is an edge between the chosen Vi (xi=1) and Vj
      • In addition to this, put in effects that should increase in number.
      • Can be interpreted as a case of β€œall length points have a weight of 1” in MIS
  • 4.3 Vertex Cover

    • Given a graph
    • Paint the minimum number of vertices with color, so that every edge is painted with the color of at least one of the vertices
    • This is a 2-vertex or
  • 4.4 Satisfiability

    • Any SAT can be written in 3 SATs.
    • 3SAT can be attributed to MIS.
    • For each clause Ci, we add 3 nodes to the graph, and connect each node to the other 3.

      • I think it should be β€œthe other 2”, but, well, it means to make a triangle with 3 vertices.
      • Hamiltonian will be 3 terms or if you include Vertex Cover’s.
      • Then wouldn’t it be strange to write β€œcan be attributed to MIS”?
      • But the original paper does indeed say it’s attributed to MIS.
        • image
    • Since the graph is made up of m connected triangles, the only way to color m vertices if each vertex is in a distinct triangle, so there must be an element of each clause Ci which is true

      • I have no idea how to explain this place.
      • Isn’t it a 1-in-3 SAT?
      • (x1, x2, x3) is equivalent to (not(x1), a, b), (x2, b, c), (not(x3), c, d) plus 1-in-3SAT.
        • This can be seen by writing down the 8 ways, since the contradiction occurs only when (x1, x2, x3) = (0, 0, 0)

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