- Q: Should Movidea’s next development be a network connection or a solution to the problem of displaying full size while dragging?
- A:
- One line answer, “the ability to put data in the cloud.”
- The issue of the full-size display while dragging is personally weird, but a commitment to artistic perfection.
- It may be over-quality and should be shown to users and their reactions observed.
- Network connectivity feature creates a “stickies are in the cloud” situation.
- The essential function of stationery is that “what you write does not disappear.”
- So I’ll make it quickly.
- The one we’ll do tomorrow is the network connection function.
- Create a state where you can say, “The sticky note data is in the cloud.”
- In past versions, the state of not connected was expressed as “Not connected”. This is an expression that does not capture the essence
- The appropriate phrases are “data is in the cloud” and “data is only locally available.”
- Stop calling it “network connectivity.”
- consideration
- An example of being faced with two development tasks and wondering which one to prioritize.
- I decided to consult with Keicho, who is much better than a coin, and decided to make a decision rather than wasting time on hesitation.
- I found that one task was the creator’s commitment to the naturalness of the appearance.
- I called the other task by its technical aspect, but I found it to be more essential.
- This organization changed the name of the latter task, and the balance of priorities was broken down so that we could confidently choose what to do next.
- Keicho Usage Techniques
What would you like to see happen in this conversation?
I hope Movidea decides if the next development will be a network connection or a solution to the problem of displaying full size while dragging.
What kind of “Movidea” is this “Movidea”?
Tools for dragging sticky notes to organize thoughts
What kind of “sticky note” is that “sticky note”?
It’s got bits and pieces of thoughts written all over it.
What kind of “fragment” is this “fragment”?
(This is digging too deep into something that is not the main issue.)
Trial and error can be used to arrange them by dragging.
What kind of “dragging” is that “dragging”?
This time, a literal drag realized using the browser’s DragDropAPI
What kind of “DragDropAPI” is that?
Browser’s standardized functions to realize dragging, the browser does the work of displaying the object being dragged, etc.
What kind of “realization” is that “realization”?
Hmmm…the look in drag, I guess.
What is it that you value?
To achieve the appearance of moving stickies as naturally as possible. Now, I feel that it is not natural that the display of the object being dragged is in its original size.
What is the relationship between that “drag” and “realize”?
Dragging is a moving operation, and what is realized is the appearance of that moving operation.
Is that “drag” the same as “realize”? Is it different?
not match the correct (answer, etc.)
Drag is the operation of moving, and what is realized is the appearance of that moving operation.
- Is there anything else you can tell us about this “make it happen”?
Some of the requirements have been clarified, so it can be achieved without using DragDropAPI, maybe it can be achieved better.
Drag is the operation of moving, and what is realized is the appearance of that moving operation.
- How do you know this “make it happen”?
I feel “realized” when I no longer have a point of concern.
Where is that “make it happen”?
It’s in me. I guess my ideals are too high.
I feel “realized” when my concerns are gone.
- Where is this “realize”?
I think “when I no longer have a point of concern” is artful. Maybe it should be “if the user finds it inconvenient.”
I feel “realized” when my concerns are gone.
- What does this “realize” look like?
I feel “realized” when my concerns are gone.
- Where does this “realize” come from?
That aside, one more thing about network connections.
I feel “realized” when my concerns are gone.
- What would you like to see happen regarding this “realization”?
(Hey, that’s not right.)
Drag is the operation of moving, and what is realized is the appearance of that moving operation.
- What kind of “drag” is this “drag”?
Drag is the operation of moving, and what is realized is the appearance of that moving operation.
- Is there anything else you can tell us about this “drag”?
To achieve the appearance of moving stickies as naturally as possible. Now I feel that it is not natural that the display of the object being dragged is in its original size.
- What kind of “in drag” is this “in drag”?
👎Drugs in
Drag is the operation of moving, and what is realized is the appearance of that moving operation.
- Where is this “drag”?
To achieve the appearance of moving stickies as naturally as possible. Now I feel that it is not natural that the display of the object being dragged is in its original size.
- Is there anything else you can tell us about this “sticky note”?
The arrangement of stickies is an intellectual product, so we want to save it, and that’s where the cloud auto-save feature comes in.
Where is that “sticky note”?
It’s in the browser’s memory, but the browser or the user’s device could exit at any time, so it needs to be saved to the cloud on the fly as changes are made.
The arrangement of stickies is an intellectual product, so we want to save it, and that’s where the cloud auto-save feature comes in.
- What do these “stickies” look like?
It’s like words on paper. If you interrupt it, it’s still there as it was last time, so you can resume thinking.
The arrangement of stickies is an intellectual product, so we want to save it, and that’s where the cloud auto-save feature comes in.
- How do you know about these “stickies”?
I’d like to dig into the cloud storage story, not that one.
What kind of “cloud” is this “cloud”?
Save to Firestore
What kind of “save” is that “save”?
The user does not have to do anything, and saving is started in the background when the placement of stickies, etc. is changed.
What would you like to see happen with regard to those “stickies”?
Operations on stickies should be rewindable.
What needs to happen to the “stickies” for that to happen?
(This is a mixed bag of Undo stories.)
Must be able to detect changes in React state updates that are subject to Save or Undo
As for “sticky notes,” can you do that?
Since destructive updates are prohibited from a React perspective, it should be possible to detect it just by looking at the object identity regarding the sticky’s state, which can be done with a hook. I think I did something complicated in an earlier version, but I don’t know what it was for…
Where do these “stickies” come from?
(I just checked and there is a function running every 3 seconds that checks to see if it has been updated and calls save when it has. That’s an update rate limit.)
(I remember, you’re supposed to only send local changes because the save process shouldn’t run when the collaborative editing is updated with information from the server.)
In other words, stickies can be created by local updates, or updates from collaborative editing can come from the cloud. If you just want to save them, the former is fine, but if you want to make collaborative editing an option, the latter is necessary.
Where are those “stickies” located?
Can we do away with co-editing for now? I thought about it, but in that case, it would be sad if the server has the latest version and I edit the old one and overwrite it, and if I say, “The new one is on the server, I’ll reload it,” then updates via the server will still occur. So, we need to take care of server updates regardless of whether we actively promote co-editing or not. I want to eliminate the situation where stickies are only at hand as soon as possible and make them “in the cloud”. To prevent them from disappearing.
What is the relationship between that “sticky” and “realize”?
(In summary, the issue of displaying full-size stickies while dragging is personally unpleasant, but we should show it to users and observe their reactions because it is our commitment to artistic perfection, and the network connection function is an essential function of stationery that “stickies are in the cloud” and “what you write will not disappear”, so we should quickly create it. It is the network connection that we will do tomorrow.)
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/次の開発はネットワーク接続か、ドラッグ中原寸表示問題の解決か using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.