Introduction to Ten Bulls (ten signs of the Chinese zodiac) - The Way to the [New You
Approach from a Consciousness-Only Thought perspective
Yogic thought is a thorough consideration of facing oneself
self-inquiry → narrowing the gap between life and death → relief for others
narrowing the gap between life and death
relief for others
- Mercy Row
- rain ni mo makezu
- Lighten yourself up.
- ↔ Person-centeredness.
[Zenji Kakuan - [Ten Bulls (ten signs of the Chinese zodiac)
- [Northern Song dynasty
Consciousness-Only Thought - yoga - [Zen (Buddhism) is also a form of yoga.
- There exists only knowledge
- [There is only the mind, so if you do yoga and purify your mind, you will go from being lost to being enlightened.
- ↔ all are empty.
- brought to China by Xuanzang Sanzang.
- Introduced to Japan during the Nara period (710-794)
[Araya-sense = “all-knowledge”.
The author is the originator of Kantou Jyugyuzu.
The above painting, titled “Kanso Jugyuzu,” was created by the painter Mitsuhiro Masuno over a period of ten years under my direction and supervision.
- cattle (Bos taurus)
- The “new me” becoming more and more clear.
- One man, one universe.
- From what (existence) to how (当為) p.59
- Kitaro Nishida
- Tolstoy
- From Being to Being
- From Sein to [Sollen
- [The light of the lamp is the light of the lamp itself.
- Self=new self
- Law = Elements of Existence → Teachings → Truth Transform the self from the deepest level
- [Shomon kunju p.77
- Indiscriminate Wisdom.
[Non-owner-occupied] p.80 - False dichotomy - middle way
- the hardest thing about being dead is being extremely ruthless
The Great Sutra says, “The Buddha nature is non-possessive, non-existent, non-causal, non-existent, non-inside, non-external, non-extreme, non-negligent, etc.” (p. 44, a4-6. Choi p. 339). The original text is Nanpon Nirvana Sutra, Vol. 25, Shikhang Bodhisattvahin, “The Buddha-natured one is also non-colorful, also non-phase, also non-phase, also non-unity, also non-unity, also non-existence, also non-exhaustion, also cause and effect, also righteousness, also non-righteousness, also character, also non-character, also non-character, also non-character. (T12, no. 375, p. 770, b20-25). --- PDF
- ↔ Relative thinking with and without
[The “Shogitai” and the “Sezoku Taisetsu” are the two most important principles of the “Shogitai” and the “Sezoku Taisetsu”.
- class=Note
- Clearly stated and unforgettable
- Obviously, write it down and don’t forget it.
- awareness
- attention っぽさ
- tame (e.g. animal)
- No more rebellion.
- 心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず
- [What does “follow your heart’s desire, but don’t go beyond the bounds of the law” mean? Meaning and usage - Kotobank https://kotobank.jp/word/%E5%BF%83%E3%81%AE%E6%AC%B2%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%E3%81%A8%E3%81%93%E3%82%8D%E3%81%AB%E5%BE%93%E3 %81%88%E3%81%A9%E3%82%82%E7%9F%A9%E3%82%92%E8%B8%B0%E3%81%88%E3%81%9A-2037879]
- 心の欲するところに従えども矩を踰えず
- [The following is a summary of the “all seeds” concept.
- If the seed burns out, it will not sprout.
- The Indiscriminate Wisdom of the Three-Wheeled Purity (Sanrin-syo)
- No distinction is made between the person who did it, the person who was done it to, and the act.
The three persons (1) the donor, (2) the recipient, and (3) the object to be donated must be free from any preconceived notions of adherence to any of the three.
- I don’t separate myself from the phenomenon.
- [When the time is right to meet with misfortune, meet with misfortune; when the time is right to die, die.
- know
- wisdom
- wisdom
Through the individual, the universal becomes manifest p.130
- flow
- Denial of false self
- Acquisition of a new self
- cattle (Bos taurus)
- Denial of a new self
- forgetting cow survivor
- Acquisition of True Self
- Denial of one’s true self
- [The same as the above.
- Denial of false self
- [If you don’t want to die, die now. Once you die, you will never die again.
- [When the time is right to meet with misfortune, meet with misfortune; when the time is right to die, die.
- [Immortality
- narrowing the gap between life and death
- If you are in a state of forgetfulness, if you are in a state of ecstasy, you are going backwards.
- I saw a well-written story in another book that said
- It says the same thing.
- We must burn out those egos.
[The same as the above.
- Sorai Ippen Sangyo
- What is the sky?
- Mystery.
- I can neither think nor speak
- [Insufficient Discourse
- [The “word of the day” is a word that is used to refer to the end of the year.
- Mystery.
- I am empty.
- countless edges.
- It is only other forces that exist, not you.
- Dogen: Learning the Way of Buddha - p.161
To learn the Way of Buddha is to learn self. To learn the Buddha’s Way is to learn oneself. To be able to practice the Way of the Buddha means to be able to practice one’s own self. To be proven by all the laws is to make one’s own body and mind, as well as the bodies and minds of others, fall away. --- Shobogenzo, Genjikouan (Genjo Kouan), vol.
- Self-seeking and purified mind.
- We’ve come back to the source.
- 魂のルフランを連想した
- 魂のルフランを連想した
- nature
- natural: a translation of the word “nature” applied after the Meiji era (1868-1912)
- the next year
- as a matter of course
- No action, no nature
- Natural Houji
- (1) The place where the person is born.
- Shochisho - WikiDharma
- What is shochishou (所知障)? Meaning and usage - Cotobank
- Preventing us from knowing what we need to know (Shinnyo).
- Shinnyo=sky
- Prevents us from knowing the true nature
- The “thing” spoken of by the word prevents
- Repeatedly deny “stuff.”
- methodic doubt っぽさ
- What is methodical skepticism (hōhōteki kaigi)? Meaning and usage - Cotobank
- attachment
- obstinacy : attachment to oneself
- [Attachment to “things
- the view of nature in the philosophy of materialism
- There is no “tree” outside of each person’s mind.
- コペルニクス的転回ぽさ
The term by which Kant characterized his epistemological position. Reversing the traditional view that subjectivity follows the object and reflects it, he argued that the object follows subjectivity and is constituted by the antecedent form of subjectivity, likening this to the position of Copernicus, who argued for a geocentric theory as opposed to a celestial theory.
- コペルニクス的転回ぽさ
- Only the mindless.
- There is only knowledge (mind) and no boundary (objects)
- doctrine that all phenomena are produced from consciousness (a central teaching of the Avatamska sutra)
Yui-shin Yui-mind That all existence is a manifestation of the mind, and only the mind exists. The central idea of the Avatamska sutra.
- doctrine that all phenomena are produced from consciousness (a central teaching of the Avatamska sutra)
- There is only knowledge (mind) and no boundary (objects)
- The successor’s twenty theories of materialism refuted the criticisms of this ideology.
- There is no “tree” outside of each person’s mind.
- Lostness and suffering arise when we think of the shadow image inside our mind as the actual situation outside our mind.
- 「法執: ものへの執着」が苦しみを生むわけだ
- 「法執: ものへの執着」が苦しみを生むわけだ
- relief for others practice line
- The child is lost ordinary man.
- The pastor is a bodhisattva.
- The phase where the Buddha was saving others before he became enlightened.
- Entering into the philosophy of “consciousness”, “bodhisattva way” and “bodhisattva conduct”.
- bodhisattva
- Enlightenment Seekers
- Kamigyubodhi, lower incarnation of sentient beings.
- A way of life that seeks to gain wisdom.
- > Jogu Bodhi Kamigu Bodhi.
- > The Bodhisattva is a person who seeks a higher level of enlightenment. In Buddhist terminology, it is the path that a bodhisattva should take. Kami-gu” means to seek a higher state of being. Bodhi” refers to the state of wisdom and enlightenment, having renounced worldly desires.
- What is [jogu bodhi? Meaning, reading and usage - List of four-character compounds - goo dictionary https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E4%B8%8A%E6%B1%82%E8%8F%A9%E6%8F%90_%28%E5%9B%9B%E5%AD%97%E7%86%9F%E8%AA %9E%29/]]
- A way of life that seeks to practice compassion.
- > Lower sentient beings.
- > To teach and save all beings that are born. It is performed by Bodhisattvas as an act of altruism.
- What is geke shujo? Meaning and usage - Kotobank
- Gaining wisdom and developing compassionate deeds
- rain ni mo makezu
- All things without accounting for myself - that’s the kind of thing I want to be.
- Parable of the Candles
- The candle itself is ego.
- Light is wisdom, warmth is compassion.
- Burn up your ego so that it is gone and you die.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/十牛図入門 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.