from Diary 2024-02-27 Innovating the reading experience through technology
This text discusses ideas for using AI and technology to revolutionize the reading experience. Specifically, three main points are identified
- Niche Top Strategy : Aim to be the most knowledgeable person in a different language area from the author about a particular book, and achieve this through investment in reading (time and effort).
- Creation of new experiences using CC0 books: The project is interested in creating new experiences that differ from the traditional reading experience by using CC0 books, which have no copyright restrictions, and requires the technical skills to make this happen.
- [Reading Experience in the AI Era: Focuses on how AI can be used to accelerate reading comprehension and create new reading experiences, rather than simply translating text. In short, this text represents an exploration into how technology can be used to deepen our understanding of reading and create new experiences.
To be the most knowledgeable person about a book in a different language than the author.
- Can be achieved by paying a reasonable cost for the reading.
- Assistance by the machine of personal understanding Taking advantage of the fact that the books are CC0 to create “a non legacy book experience”.
- This can also be done with some technical skills.
- This is interesting. Not interested in essentially “translating as is”.
- Interested in creating new reading experiences in the AI age
- How can understanding be accelerated?
- Assistance by social understanding machines
This text concerns ideas for exploring new forms of reading experiences in the age of AI. Specifically, it focuses on the following points
Deep understanding through niche-top strategies: This approach aims to become the most knowledgeable person about a book in a different linguistic area than the author. This is said to be accomplished by paying a reasonable cost (perhaps an investment of time and effort) for reading. This strategy implies building up a deep understanding in a particular field or book, and includes the use of machines (AI and other technologies) to assist in individual understanding.
Creating New Reading Experiences Using CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) Books: CC0 refers to works that have no copyright restrictions and are freely available to everyone. This text states that we are interested in leveraging CC0 books to create a new reading experience that is different from the traditional “legacy book experience. We believe that “some technical skills” are required to make this happen, and that the process itself is interesting.
New reading experiences in the age of AI: Essentially, we are not interested in simply translating texts verbatim, but focus on how AI can be leveraged to accelerate reading comprehension and how new reading experiences can be created. This might include the use of machines that support social understanding (which could refer to tools that facilitate sharing and discussion in communities and on social media).
This text demonstrates an interest in exploring innovative approaches at the intersection of technology and reading. It expresses a willingness to explore new ways to enrich the reading experience and promote deeper understanding, and to use technology to make this happen.
relevance - Legacy format of books - If books are a system of finitization, we should help readers connect to the infinite network behind them.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/テクノロジーを活用した読書体験の革新 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.