I see people who introduce other companies’ good initiatives and say, “You’re a competitor.

For an individual, “company” is just a temporary attribute in life, but “what you think is good” is for life, so it is natural that the latter takes precedence over the former. I thought.

After I wrote it, I remembered Drucker.

The knowledge worker of the future will outlive the organization to which he or she belongs. Drucker. says that we must first design our lives on this premise. http://www.iot.ac.jp/manu/ueda/interview/j05.html

Life planning that depends on one organization is dangerous.

Priority should be given to one’s values. Drucker says that the problem is when what you forte is different from what you value. We must give priority to what we value.

  • When My Values and Organizational Values cannot coexist, even if you repress your own values and serve the organization, the organization will change in a shorter time than your life.

(In Japan, many people may not agree with the assertion here, especially since large companies have a strong image of being stable and not changing for a long period of time.)

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