from Diary 2023-06-08 In a single thread, only one person can offer an opinion before the other person’s opinion is heard.

  • People who see the value in “coming up with your own opinion before asking the other person’s opinion” write it down and share it before the meeting.
    • This is a case of the opinion-maker feeling valued.
  • What is the point of view of those who gather opinions?
    • Diverse opinions are valuable
    • If you’re at a meeting where all you hear is people agreeing with each other, it’s not time efficient to play debate, because in the end, it’s just the opinion of the first person who spoke.
    • So by destroying the “opportunity to pretend to participate by agreeing with others,” you leave the individual with no choice but to express a variety of opinions.
    • That is the mechanism by which it becomes useful to do parallel writing in a workshop.
    • I feel like that’s the axis of independence, whether it’s happy for the participants or not.
      • A place where you are physically and temporally restrained and forced to output in a descent and given way.
      • People who can’t give their opinion may apologetically submit one card while others are writing 10 or so on the side.
      • He’s going to feel like a needle in a haystack.

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/シングルスレッドの場合、相手の意見を聞く前の意見を出せるのは一人だけ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.