[If we can’t predict future changes in supply and demand, then we’ll just have to hope that demand is there for [what you can do.
from What skills remain valuable in an age when AI is replacing human activities?
In what areas can we contribute to society? Isn’t it possible to predict demand in advance when major changes are taking place in the supply of intellectual activities to society?
Certainly, it is important to utilize one’s own interests and abilities in order to create something beneficial to society, but it is also important to pay attention to the needs and challenges of society. In today’s society, it is very difficult to make predictions for the future because things are changing faster and demands and issues can change instantly.
However, it may be possible to participate in initiatives or projects that contribute to society in areas that you have been working in or are interested in. It is also important to keep abreast of the latest trends and issues related to your field and to develop skills that you yourself would find valuable in that field. Thinking about how you can contribute based on the skills and interests you have and the skills you would like to acquire in the future may be the first step toward making your own contribution to society.
Indeed. If you can’t predict future fluctuations in supply and demand, then I guess you’ll just have to base it on the skills you have now, or the skills you are interested in learning, and hope there is demand for them.
- Both are needed to produce something beneficial to society: a
- Utilize your own interests and abilities
- Focus on the needs and challenges of society
- I can’t predict.
- Instead of making predictions, “participate in initiatives and projects that contribute to society.”
- If it’s a field you’ve been working on or are interested in, it’s relatively easy to create value.
- To “keep abreast of the latest issues” in “areas that I have been working on or am interested in.”
- The skills to solve that problem are valuable.
- Develop that skill set.
- The skills to solve that problem are valuable.
- Addressing needs and challenges that exist now, rather than anticipating future needs and challenges.
The question, “In what areas can we contribute to society?” The question is “What kind of land is suitable for agriculture?” and “What kind of land is suitable for agriculture?
- If the climate is changing, the question is futile.
Don’t worry about “the demand for what you can do and what you want to do” because it’s “something you can’t control.” - I don’t care what I can’t control.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/将来が予想できないならできることやりたいことに需要があることを祈るしかない using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.