from [/villagepump/I guess there is no basis for confidence]( guess there is no basis for confidence).
- There is no such thing as basis in confidence (in oneself).
- self-assurance とか confidence (in oneself) ってそもそも Unsubstantiated Impressions なのでは
- Implicit in the phrase “Unsubstantiated Confidence.” is the feeling that “you must have a basis for yourself” and “you who have no basis for yourself must not be confident.”
- But even if someone thinks they have “grounded confidence,” that “grounding” doesn’t logically lead to “so I should be confident.”
- that I associate with Humean scepticism.
- Even causality is iffy, much less confidence.
- Isn’t it funny that you think you need evidence? I mean.
- The connection was made after the fact.
- The basis for this is considered to betrack record のことが多い?
- Just because something has worked in the past doesn’t mean it will work the next time.
- I just wanted to say this.
- I just wanted to say this.
- But I think the odds are that someone with a proven track record will do better.
- +1
- +1
- Probability is that a person who acts confidently in the same capacity is more likely than a person who acts less confidently…
- Probability of success is likely to be high with respect to tasks that are affected by human evaluation
- (I thought that the probability of a bug is the same even if you write a program with full confidence, so I limited it to “evaluation by humans.)
- I guess we shouldn’t look too much at attitude when evaluating people.
- I’m getting dragged along, though.
- Are we supposed to say that we should just look at the portfolio and make a decision?
- If the goal is to look at culture fit or something, you need to look at attitude.
- Is there anything to be gained by acting unsure?
- Moderate confidence?
- overconfident There’s also the word
- Moderate confidence?
- Just because something has worked in the past doesn’t mean it will work the next time.
- self-assurance とか confidence (in oneself) ってそもそも Unsubstantiated Impressions なのでは
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/自信に根拠なんかないのでは using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.