from [/villagepump/scrapbox projects cannot be connected to each other]( projects cannot be connected to each other). Phenomenon caused by the breakup of page connections for each scrapbox project.
What kind of problem
- You will need to think about where to put the OUTPUT.
- Elements that block thinking.
- public division
- I’d like to see this written either way, and I’d like to see a positive connection between the two.
- I don’t want to be divided in my thinking only by whether it is public or private. - Either in Multiplayer Project or in Personal Project. - Quiet room metaphor
- Cannot use [2 hop link
- Cannot use [reverse link
- Or, to avoid having to separate projects.
- If the issue of Words used as different meanings in multiple contexts could be resolved, it would be unnecessary to separate projects unless they need to be public or private.
- Handle multiple PROJECTS transparently scriptを開発すれば、ほぼ解決する
- Put everything in Private single project and make [Only a portion of the private project is open to the public.
- /blu3mo-publicと/blu3moを見る限り、安定して運営されている感じがする
- Reference:.scrapbox-duplicator
- Handle multiple PROJECTS transparently] in UserScript
- There are only
users, but it is stable and usable with few problems.
- An example of a 2 hop link out of another project starts at about 01:00.
- The input completion is still harried. Fixes will have to wait a bit longer.
- There are only
Other pages mentioned
- What is a project in /hub/Scrapbox?
- Inter-project backlinks in /hub/Scrapbox.
- [/motoso/ you will want to operate your own Scrapbox with a single, private project]( you will want to operate your own Scrapbox with a single, private project).
Some MERIT is gained by being fragmented, i.e., independent.
- [/udonn/Scrapbox is independent in a good way]( is independent in a good way).
This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/scrapbox project同士を繋げられない]( project同士を繋げられない) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.