from Envy and anxiety behind critical analysis
I’m going to make you an object of observation.
They look to efficiency and structure rather than personal emotional connection.
- gemeinschaft 的 Community に対して一員として参加することができなくて「観察対象」にしてしまうんだな
- [[observer bias]] and [[participatory observation]]." - In cultural anthropology, "Participant Observation" (PO) is a central technique in fieldwork. This method requires the researcher to move back and forth between inside and outside perspectives as a member of the culture under observation. - [[参与観察]]
- However, it is difficult for the observer to become fully "a member" of the group, and as a result, he or she is often "[[made]] an object of observation". This contradiction has been repeatedly examined in discussions such as [[Clifford Geertz's]] "[[thick description]]. - [[Edward Said]]'s "[[Orientalism]]" - Making the other "the object of observation" entails power relations. Said argues that the West formed the dominant framework by observing and describing the East as "[[a]] different entity." - This points to the risk of fostering an observer's [[attitude of]] putting himself in a superior position rather than understanding the subject. - [[Everett Hughes]]'s "[[An]] Outsider's Perspective." - Hughes pointed out that when an observer is not fully integrated into a community, his or her outsider status highlights certain truths and perspectives. - However, it has been discussed that if this perspective ends up being "observation objectification," empathy for others and mutual recognition may be lacking. - [[Ethnomethodology]] and [[Conversation Analysis]] - In ethnomethodology, when analyzing everyday acts as "objects of observation," we question how the observer's perspective constructs the subject's everyday world. - The importance of the point [[that "observation" itself is an act of reconstructing reality]] is emphasized. - supplement - Objectification" is often associated with an emphasis on efficiency and structure, but it can also be a source of [[alienation]]. Discussions in cultural anthropology suggest the possibility of transforming this act into a process of "[[understanding]] the other" and rebuilding [[relationships as members]].
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