Scrapbox’s philosophy of Not a warehouse to put dead text in. is a very good guideline, On the other hand, you can’t know how good Scrapbox is without some text, Not everyone who uses Scrapbox for the first time can write live text from the start. First came the inevitable “dead text being placed”, It seems to me that we need to figure out how to increase the number of living texts from there.
- [[Event article is dying]]
- [[Social Triggers]]
Be a little more specific.
- I felt that it was not good enough to create a project mechanically imported from Twitter or something, but I think we need to verbalize a method to improve it from that not-so-good state.
Dead sentences should dare to be titled in a way that makes it easy to see that they are dead.
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20180909 minutes
You don’t have to be averse to duplication.
- Humans are resistant to editing dead texts (records of facts).
- You can keep it as it is, and just take out what you think is important and put it on a separate page.
- Duplicate information, but what does that matter?
- Taking notes on what is written in a book is also duplication of information, as is reprinting information written on a social networking site
- It’s in the fact that when you search, you get hits for both, but if the dead text is easily identifiable from the title, people will read the living one, so no real harm done.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/文書に命を吹き込むには? using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.