- I talked to ScrapboxGPT by Yasukazu Nishio and got some surprisingly interesting answers.
How can we create a system that supports understanding?
In the journey of creating a system to support understanding, one possible guide is the discussion at the Omoikane Study Group. Here, the discussion talks about building a better discussion mechanism, in other words, a deliberation support system. However, as a stand-alone system cannot be established as a deliberation support system, the advice “to do SF prototyping first before discussion” is given Omoikane Study Group†source.
The lesson to be learned from this advice is that simply combining technologies is not enough to create a system that supports understanding. Rather, it is important to incorporate new approaches that facilitate people’s thinking and discussion, such as sci-fi prototyping, which stimulate imagination and consider problems from different perspectives, which may result in more effective understanding support systems.
In this journey, you will be challenged to use your imagination to the fullest, to think outside of existing frameworks, to think in new ways, to build systems of understanding and support. Take the first step toward a future where buds grow and thrive.
What new approaches might facilitate people’s thinking and discussion, search
Some insight into new approaches to facilitating people’s thinking and discussion can be gleaned from Yasukazu Nishio’s Scrapbox. In particular, Profit from uncertainty a new approach is proposed in the pages on “Collaboration with AI” and “Intellectual Production.” This incorporates the idea of anti-fragility and suggests that AI and human collaboration may be the mainstream of intellectual production in the future Collaboration with AI†source 🌀Intellectual Production†source.
In addition, the 🤖Intelligent Collaboration between AI and Humans 🤖A new approach to predicting the future using AI through the Omoikane Project’s science fiction prototyping is considered to be very interesting. This may help us prepare more effectively for future technological and social changes 🤖Intelligent Collaboration between AI and Humans†source.
These approaches seek to leverage uncertainty to facilitate people’s thinking and discussion, and to create new value through AI and human collaboration. Thus, the key to facilitating thinking and discussion may be to think outside of existing frameworks and to incorporate new perspectives and technologies. We hope that these insights will be the seeds that lead to new discoveries in your intellectual adventure.
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