What would you like to see happen in this conversation?
Hopefully some thoughts will develop on the relationship between motivational systems and Keichobot.
What kind of “Keichobot” is this “Keichobot”?
A system that encourages concretization by asking questions
What kind of “system” is this “system”?
A motivational system is a system that motivates by asking questions and giving advice. I think it’s a little related to asking questions and being specific.
Is there anything else you can tell us about that “system”?
Motivation systems have been used to a point, but I’m beginning to question my basic premise. I think the assumption that there is such a thing as “motivation,” that the problem is the lack of it, and that all you have to do is produce it, is false.
What is it that you value?
It is good if people spend time with a pleasant feeling and produce output that is socially valuable. Motivation has nothing to do with it. Motivation for a task that produces garbage will only produce garbage efficiently.
What kind of “motivation” is that?
Imaginary resources that many people assume exist
Motivational systems have been used to a point, but I’m beginning to question my basic premise. I think the assumption that there is such a thing as “motivation,” that the problem is the lack of it, and that it’s enough to get it going, is false.
- Where is this “system” located?
When I made this, I didn’t have the concept of serverless yet and realized the app with static delivery and GoogleAnalytics. If we rebuilt it now, we could take richer information for each user and give more appropriate advice.
Motivational systems have been used to a point, but I’m beginning to question my basic premise. I think the assumption that there is such a thing as “motivation,” that the problem is the lack of it, and that it’s enough to get it going, is false.
- How do you know this “system”?
I was going to collect data and do machine learning. It turned out to be just an if statement.
It is good if people spend time with a pleasant feeling and produce output that is socially valuable. Motivation has nothing to do with it. Motivation for a task that produces garbage will only produce garbage efficiently.
- Is there anything else you can tell us about this “motivation”?
When the tasks to be done are not clear, or there are multiple tasks to be done but the priorities are not clear, etc., you will not be able to move forward. When this is solved, the user will be able to move forward. Users sometimes express this as “I’m not motivated” or “I want to be motivated,” but that is a statement that does not grasp their own needs, similar to “I want a fast horse.
What does that “motivation” seem to be?
There are a number of factors that “impede progress.” The presence of these is vaguely described as “lack of motivation. Motivation” is the opposite of that, a shadow of
Where does this “motivation” come from?
Removing obstacles
There are a number of “factors preventing progress”. The presence of them is vaguely described as “lack of motivation”. Motivation” is the opposite concept of that, a shadow of
- How do you know you are “motivated” to do this?
I’ve used Keichobot myself for various purposes, and feel that it has been “very beneficial to the progress of the project” by breaking down tasks that are too large or breaking the balance of priorities, which I think is what we need.
What kind of “task” is this “task”?
What to do. Often there are times when it is not clear what to do. Sometimes there is more than one, and then one can only do one at a time, so one must choose
There are a number of “factors preventing progress”. The presence of them is vaguely described as “lack of motivation”. Motivation” is the opposite concept of that, a shadow of
- Where is this “motivation”?
It’s like a porthole, it doesn’t exist.
Motivational systems have been used to a point, but I’m beginning to question my basic premise. I think the assumption that there is such a thing as “motivation,” that the problem is the lack of it, and that it’s enough to get it going, is false.
- Where is this “system” located?
I have yet to find a system anywhere that combines a motivational system with a system that asks questions and provides clarification.
What is the relationship between its “motivation” and its “system”?
The system solves the impeded state.
What would you like to see happen with respect to that “system”?
It’s not yet clear how to combine them, so it would be nice to know.
What needs to happen to the “system” for that to happen?
Need to clarify what needs to be clarified by the question.
The system solves the impeded state.
- What does this “system” look like?
https://keicho.netlify.app/#talk=KjStscwvPgfPOCQeDExE #KeichobotLog
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/やる気の出るシステムとKeichobotの関係について考えが発展すると良い using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.