It is futile for those who drove before highways were built to tell those who are going to drive after highways are built that they need to train to drive on roads that are not maintained and not to drive on highways. The new people will be driving on the unmaintained roads after they finish driving on the freeway anyway, so they should just drive through the places where there are freeways. src
- People who get grumpy when others get what they have worked hard to acquire with ease are detrimental to society and should not be allowed to go unchecked.
- Civilization progresses by “making things that are hard but worth doing less hard,” so those who oppose it are the enemies of civilization.
- The word “highways” in the first tweet does not mean physical highways, but “Highways of Knowledge” “mechanisms that facilitate knowledge acquisition,” just to be clear.
The knowledge highway is one of the learning theories described by Zenji Hanyu in Mochio Umeda’s 2006 bestselling book “Web evolutionary theory” [src content/%E7%9F%A5%E3%81%AE%E9%AB%98%E9%80%9F%E9%81%93%E8%B7%AF]
@ockeghem: (Many seem to agree that learning is better than self-study, assuming you get a proper instructor. I guess the question is, can you get a proper instructor?)
I wrote “highway” to mean “the road that gets you to your destination faster,” not “pay money to enter a toll road you don’t understand and follow the signs without knowing where you are going. Just to be clear.
- When there’s a certain road, it may not be easy to determine if this is a highway that leads to a destination. Basically, the ones that have been repeatedly improved by many people are the better ones. A road that is frequently improved by many people is more likely to be a good road than a road with few people driving on it.
@rashita2: I wonder if someone who has never driven on the road can distinguish between the two. I’m curious if people who have never driven on a road can distinguish between the two.
It’s a “it’s hard to make decisions on your own, so you should rely on social proof.”
@kmt_t: @nishio I personally think it’s obvious that it’s cosier to chase than to be chased on the highway, so instead of feeling like you’re suffering from being chased, you should be thinking, ” I think it’s important to think “that’s not fair, I’ll use it too”. Highways are convenient for veterans as well.
I totally agree, and the veteran who uttered the words “It’s outrageous to use the freeway” is cursed by his own words and doomed to never ride the freeway again and sink into the swamp.[src 1281172284204445696]
Some people are fascinated by the speed of the paved highway and find it unpleasant to drive slowly on mountain roads
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/高速道路のたとえ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.