I saw a story about playing games and feeling guilty for spending time on it.

I haven’t put it together yet.

Comparing games to productive activities, do you consider games to be an unproductive use of time?

  • What is the measure of “productive”?

    • allegory
      • Some people make a lot more money in day trading than most people work.
      • If you miss a day, you don’t get the money you would have earned that day, this is a loss
      • So every day I sit at my PC without a break and continue to watch the market changes.
    • This is “productivity” being measured in “monetary” terms.
      • Because they are so good at creating value as measured by that measure, they perceive “what they didn’t get” (lost profit) as a loss when they didn’t do it.
      • Personally, I think this is suffering being created by attachment (Buddhist idea).
        • You can make as much money in one day as a normal person makes in many days, so it would be a lot easier if you let go of the “wanting more” feeling.
        • He believes that he is one of the few people in the world with the ability
          • But what you get out of it, you can’t take with you to the afterlife.
          • Attachment to “worthless things” in this life.
  • What is the basis for the value that “productive use of time is better than unproductive use of time?”

    • axes of values
    • Internal? External?
    • Are you unconsciously distorted by the values of others?
      • For example, by the reaction of the parents.
        • Were they imprinted with certain values by being scolded for playing games and praised for studying?
      • Is “spending time productively a good thing?”
        • The Problem of Defining “Good”
      • Epicurean cross believed that the purpose of philosophy is the Rational acquisition of happiness.

        • Does spending time productively bring happiness?
          • If you enjoyed playing the game, didn’t you gain happiness?
          • It doesn’t seem to be a pursuit of happiness to clear a game that is not very interesting out of a sense of obligation, thinking that it would be a waste if you don’t clear it now that you’ve bought it.
          • If you’re feeling unhappy by interpreting that you’ve “spent too much time playing the game” after playing the game, then that interpretation is what’s harmful.
        • Is “spending time happily ever after a good thing?”
          • Here’s a thought
          • I’m an Epicurean hedonist, and the purpose of life is the rational pursuit of pleasure!

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