2021-02-18 I spent two days eradicating ANYā€¦] from Regroup the other day, and I still havenā€™t found all the problems with just type testing, and Iā€™m getting error reports on Sentry. image

First, letā€™s look at the most common Error neverComeHere(assertion) Unhandled InitialState * onDrag. This is something that is ASSERTED in order to notice inconsistencies as soon as they occur, but the developer didnā€™t notice. image Hmmm, I went back to Breadcrumb to see what was causing it and found that he switched to lasso. image I switched to lasso and tried it and reproduced the problem at hand. The message was different. ReferenceError: paper is not defined that the company is in the process of developing a new product. This is const paper = require("paper"); by the fact that you forgot to do it. (What? This is not detected by the type check?)


  • Why is it not detected by type checking?
  • Should switch to lasso and check operation (with automated tests).

Fixing that is another error. TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of undefined This is also a similar problem (PS: False positive.) When I started writing Regroup, I couldnā€™t figure out how to access PAPER from anywhere, so I hung it in the WINDOW. const items = window.app.paper.projects[0].layers[0].children;

const paper = require("paper");

Typescipt doc: export = and import = require() Error when import paper = require("paper"); is used error

SyntaxError: /Users/nishio/regroup/src/onOverlayCanvas.ts: `import =` is not supported by @babel/plugin-transform-typescript
Please consider using `import <moduleName> from '<moduleName>';` alongside Typescript's --allowSyntheticDefaultImports option.
> 2 | import paper = require("paper");

The simple import paper from "paper"; worked fine. Iā€™m glad I did that.

With my knowledge before the development of the module mechanism in JavaScript, I unnecessarily wrote in a legacy way by using third-party libraries in TypeScript while reading explanations for JavaScript. I even found var paper = require("paper");!

Change window.app.paper to import paper from "paper";. Oops, new type error. ts

Argument of type 'HTMLElement | null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | HTMLCanvasElement'.
  Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | HTMLCanvasElement'.  TS2345
    50 |     // Get a reference to the canvas object
    51 |     const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  > 52 |     paper.setup(canvas);

I see, what you REQUIRED was ANY! image

Iā€™m done cleaning up the mess, but the problem isnā€™t solved. Well, if you take a closer look, this means that the layer doesnā€™t exist when nothing has been drawn yet, so if it doesnā€™t, you can just empty list it. const items = paper.projects[0].layers[0]?.children ?? [];

Property 'onDeactivate' does not exist on type 'Tool'. Property 'getBounds' does not exist on type 'PointText'. Property 'getBounds' does not exist on type 'Layer'.

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