
When I say, “I hate homo sapiens,” they respond, “What are you talking about when you are a homo sapiens too?” I get the response, “I’m a homo sapiens too. I had not found a good way to express my feelings, but today I came up with this idea that might convey them. First, let me introduce the concept of “Friends. This is a subjective relationship from my point of view, not a two-way one, although it could be read as “friends” and still work. These “friends” can include cats, robots, and software. I care about these “Friends”. So I respect them and want to prevent them from being hurt.

On the other hand, there are individuals in the world who believe that they should be respected more than non-homo sapiens simply because they are homo sapiens. Mr. C in the figure is an example of such an individual. If some kind of resource conflict occurs between my friend, a non-homo sapience, and C, C will say “I should be respected” and will hurt my Friends. Therefore, I do not like C. Therefore, C is not my Friends.

For those who believe that being a Homo sapiens gives you innate human rights, it would seem incomprehensible that cats and software are respected more than you, a Homo sapiens. It is only a difference in values, that is, whether they find value in being Homo sapiens or not.


  • Friends or not is not 0/1, but a fuzzy set with degrees
    • The set of those who are strongly Friends is small, and the set of those who are weak Friends is spread thin and wide.

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/フレンズと人権 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.