Until now, chat was the interface with humans, so only text strings were exchanged, and special functions were command input.
Now that we have added a Web UI, we need to add buttons, menus, etc.
- I’d like to talk and sort out whether to write an explanation at this point or implement new features first.
- NGKW button was implemented first.
- next
- NG
- Good
- Listen first.
bad boy
Vague means of communicating that the system’s output is not good enough.
- Maybe a bad keyword, maybe a bad choice of question wording. Bad Keywords
Directly communicate that the choice of that keyword is not a good one. That’s good.
Communicate that it is a good output
Pushing doesn’t do much for humans.
When pressed alone, it does not generate a reply. Keyword score increase
Display the highest scoring keywords that were not selected, click on them to increase your score
Keyword score increase should be placed in the dissatisfaction area because it means you are dissatisfied with your current score.
- What is the appropriate icon for the keyword score increase button?
- Can we have a UPKW or something without icons?
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/フィードバックボタン using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.