What is Feature Matching?
- Salimans+ 2016
What is Maximum Mean Discrepancy?
Use LSTM for G in GAN and TextCNN for D and E
- What’s E? →Encoder
Soft-argmax approximation
- There is some difficulty in handling argmax because it is not differentiable, but I suggest that this could be replaced with softmax.
- where L is a large scalar, such as 1000, which coincides with argmax in the limit L → ∞.
- The stability of the calculation may need to be taken care of separately. Related logsumexp.
- Soft-argmax
Adversarial Feature Matching for Text Generation | DL Hacks [DL Roundtable Adversarial Feature Matching for Text Generation https://www.slideshare.net/DeepLearningJP2016/dladversarial-feature-matching-for- text-generation]
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