What is Facing the Ocean? https://www.code4japan.org/activity/global Facing the Ocean (FtO) is a community event that brings together East Asian civic takers who face the same ocean. g0v (Taiwan), Code for Korea/Parti (Korea), Code for Japan (Japan), and volunteers from other countries in the proximity, started to provide a forum where they can report on recent civic tech activities and collaborate on initiatives on the same theme. The event has been held in Okinawa and Tainan in 2019, in Jeju in 2023 after the Corona Disaster, and will be held in Yokohama this year!
Location: Pacifico Yokohama.
FtO Yokohama 2024 Intro - HackMD
hal_sk Asian Civic Hackers Gather for Non-competitive Hackathon, Facing the Ocean in Yokohama! It has started! #FtO2024
- The image is 16-17, but really 17-18.
mamisada 3min. pitch will be introduced to bring in projects, and participants will drift to themes they are interested in (not fixed teams, (It may be a feature of this hackathon as a co-creative rather than competitive hackathon)FtO2024
mamisada There are spatial information projects using Plateau, disinformation related projects, and medical and welfare projects such as sleep deprivation and women’s health. There are also projects related to disinformation, medical care such as sleep deprivation and women’s health and welfare, and many other diverse projects just like CivictechFtO2024
mamisada Day 2 of East Asia Joint Hackathon “Facing the Ocean (面海松)” will share the progress of each project and thank the collaborators # FtO2024
CodeforJapan 8/17-18 (Sat-Sun) @g0vtw “Facing the Ocean”, a joint East Asia Hackathon with Code for Korea, was held at Pacifico Yokohama. Okinawa→Tainan→e-meet→Jeju→Yokohama and so onFtO2024 Look forward to the next one!
Interview by [Cui Jia Wei
- FTO Collaborative Note - HackMD
- English summary of Yasuno team article.
- Digest of Anno team blog in 2024 Tokyo gubernatorial election|NISHIO Hirokazu
- I’ve been meaning to make one for a while, but when I saw the world was coming together, I had to make one now.
I was on the disinformation team.
- BirdXplorer
- Using data from [Community Notes
- Community note analysis attached to mass transit|Look at a variety of data
- https://code4japan.notion.site/BirdXplorer-FtO2024-2a956b9bb09344e09e189255509f2188
- https://github.com/codeforjapan/disinfo-fto/blob/main/script/expand_tco.py
- Shinkai 6500 aging, design life looming, MEXT to prioritize drone development:Asahi Shimbun Digital
- [false info in TW --- disinfo in TW https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_J6fndKGmtTcJ_THjPYLDr-gsnf5DOwtoJG7bfu6ww4/mobilebasic?immersive translate_auto_translate=1]
- I was given a case study from Taiwan.
- When a young person receives a share of a link of false information from a parent, they could throw the URL to a LINE bot to receive a report that it is false information and share it with the parent.
- I hear there’s a website that lists disinformation news.
- Pretty interesting, I wish we had one in Japan.
- I was given a case study from Taiwan.
This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/Facing the Ocean 2024 Yokohama](https://scrapbox.io/nishio/Facing the Ocean 2024 Yokohama) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.