from Diary 2023-09-26 Escape from Kumano Kodo 13:30 Safe(?) I chose the escape route and am waiting for the bus in 40 minutes in the shade of a tree with a radio signal.
I’ll get a picture later, since the signal is poor, even though I have a signal.
Meditating in the mountains of Yoshino like this
The cause of the loss was first of all a lack of physical strength, but that was limited to the extent of improvement within the period, so let’s rule that out.
The major mistakes that could have been improved are
- Seeing the calorie standards for portable food, seeing the recommended portable food and bringing it “without considering mass or bag volume”, and buying more on the night of Day 0, thinking “I might need two days’ worth”.
- I had to walk around with a plastic bag strapped to my bag because I couldn’t fit it in.
- I dumped everything at Chikaruro to reduce the burden on the second day, but the leg and back damage on the first day made it impossible to continue on the second day.
- It was the right thing to do to find out what was available where and not have what was available later.
- Stock should have been bought.
- I should have arrived at the middle-aged and older climbers and surveyed them beforehand, even though the stronger-legged members of the group decided they didn’t need to.
- Day 1 I was lent a good stock, Day 2 I used a branch because the person who lent me the stock was working separately, and I was able to prevent several falls and sprains.
- The reason for the decision that it was impossible to continue was that the branch had broken due to too much weight on it.
- I should have researched possible leg and back problems that could occur and what to do about them beforehand.
- When “right knee pain” occurred as a first day discomfort, I didn’t know how to deal with it properly.
- This is a temporary inflammation caused by overuse of the thigh muscles, not a symptom of the knee joint
- Typical symptoms that can be found in a number of articles if you do a search.
- Amateurish attempts to address the “knee” were actually counterproductive.
- I applied three sheets of Feitas at bedtime, but the inflammation did not heal by the next morning.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/熊野古道からのエスケープ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.