@fladdict: I wonder if the “High Elf super financial state” story has already been published in the otherworldly reincarnation system. The High Elves can manage their assets with no inheritance tax and infinite compound interest in a single generation. … Over time, all capital will be concentrated in the Elves’ hands. Far more frightening than a bad cheat skill. A world where capitalists and moneylenders and bankers are all monopolized by the Elves.

@nishio: If elves live in a society of short-lived people, they can accumulate wealth because they don’t have to pay inheritance tax, but in elven lands, the size of the forests they own and the age of the trees determine their social But in elven land, your social status is determined by the size of the forest you own and the age of the trees, and property tax is high. The cycle is that children of fallen families who can’t pay property tax come out of the forest and buy a forest when they save enough money. Sometimes they get burned.

@tsuji_t1: if by mistake human life span could be medically extended I’m not sure if it’s possible for a (juridical) person or a person to die. It occurs to me that (juridical) person will never die, but will continue to exist, and eventually all of its assets will belong to the corporation.

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