
More than half of the cards are still new to me, so I’m going to read the card descriptions first.

  • University, first time
    • You can get a cost 5 card while increasing the action.
    • This itself requires a potion, which is equivalent to 6 costs
  • Female magician, first time
    • Well, the effect of the action card is rewritten.
    • If you have a lot of actions because it turns into a cantrip, there’s little real damage, if you’re using one important action card, there’s going to be a lot of damage.
    • In other words, this is going to tilt against Stero.
  • Wise man, first time
    • It searches and draws one card, so it is effectively a cantrip.
    • I’d look for cards with a cost of 3 or more, but after the initial deck disposal, there won’t be any such cards.
    • Oh, there’s a curse on the supply, which means there are people who spread it → wrong, it seems to always be there.
  • Citadel, first time
    • More Action
    • Add it to your hand when you destroy it? What do you mean?
    • I googled it. I see that a discard is a discard, but it’s not compressed, and it returns to your hand as a discard such as improved renovation, which lowers the operating cost of renovation-type cards.
      • It’s important to know if those cards are in this supply.
  • The butcher. I’ve heard rumors.
    • +2 financial resources, renovation to add financial resources
    • What? Oh no, it’s the citadel’s partner!
    • 5 Cost. This supply, in general, is expensive.
  • Market Cantrip, + Buy
  • Seer, first time
    • Cantrip, deck search
  • Rogue, I heard rumors that he is strong.
    • +Buy +2 coins
    • Handes in three pieces.
    • Victory points per card purchase, I see. So you get at least 2 victory points for every action because the effect of the card itself buys the mansion?
  • Concealed assets, first time view
    • Treasure 2
    • Buy one victory point card and it comes with a gold coin.
  • nocturnal assault
    • night card
    • It looks like you can discard one card in your hand, a little restrictive, and you can’t discard a victory point.
    • +3 coins
  • Events: Specials
    • You can buy something that costs 5 for the cost of 4, but others get a horse.
  • Events: Commerce
    • Earn a gold coin for each card that you acquire.
    • Hmmm, I need 5 gold per purchase for that, so I don’t have much use for it, I can buy additional gold, but I can get 1 gold cheaper for the situation.

Supply Check

  • Action Fortress
  • Draw: No. I’d venture to say it’s the delayed effect of a female sorceress.
  • Purchase Market, no longer
  • Compression No, I would venture to say butcher shop renovation effect.
  • Highly influential cards
    • Rogue and night raider hundresses, the trouble with the female sorceress’s magic.
  • No special victory points


  • No, isn’t it awful? The university is practically 6 costs, and all it does is high cost. And that high cost action is easily silenced by a female magician.
  • There are no draw cards, and the Female Magician’s is delayed, so you can’t use it like a village blacksmith. If you want to do it, the only way to do it is to make it so that you get 2 draws every turn by making it so that “the female sorceress is always activated” before your opponent.
  • The citadel-butcher combo is interesting, but I don’t know if it will work to get the two together in a place where there is no proper draw. At any rate, the citadel is a cantrip, so it’s safe to ramble it into the deck.
    • But you can’t even compress them…
  • It’s no longer the case that BigMoney may even be the best possibility for this place.
  • It is possible to draw a fortress in search of the seer, and then draw more with the fortress.
  • summary
    • I can think of a way to ditch the action and make big money, but it’s not fun, so I’m going to double as a first-time female magician and go for the fortified butcher shop.
    • Wait, as far as the early stages are concerned, you can certainly pull out a female sorceress with a wise man’s search, can’t you?

first round (of tennis, etc.)

  • First hand, female sorceress, wise man.
  • Play wise man, draw female sorceress, nothing for 2 gold, 2 mountains left.
    • Mm, AI bought a butcher with 4 gold using the special price, and then used it to get silenced by a female magician. W bought another butcher, and now it’s a two-card configuration.
  • 4 gold, I was going to do a fortress, but there’s also the option of a butcher shop with specials.
    • We could convert the mansion into a fortress, if that’s what you want.
  • Wise man, horse. Draw female sorceress with wise man. Draw with horse, butcher came. Use the sorceress. 4 gold for the fortress.
  • Wise man, butcher, 4 gold. Pull the fortress with the wise man. Destroy the fortress with the butcher. Gain gold. With 4 gold left… I’m torn between the fortress and the butcher. The fortress is a cantrip, so maybe that one. In addition, the reason I don’t buy the silver coins is because I’m caught in a wise man’s search.
  • Fortress for 4 gold. (Buy a market? I thought about it for a minute.)
    • Oops, the other guy just bought the wrong guy…
  • Wise men, fortresses. First the wise man, oops, gold coins. After using the fortress, a butcher comes. I use the butcher to fortify the mansion…or maybe it’s a financial resource so I can save up what I don’t use…then the sorceress…5 gold to get gold coins for my business…and then the butcher to fortify the mansion…
  • 3 gold for a female magician. The terminal action on deck now is two women and a butcher, and I’m not sure about buying more, so I’m going to go with a wise man.
  • Woman Sage Castle butcher 4 gold. First the sage, gold draw. Since there is a mansion, the fortress is used as a source of action. The butcher turns the mansion into a fortress. Activate the female sorceress and buy the province for 8 gold.
  • Castle castle butcher. Butcher to turn the mansion into a butcher shop. 4 gold for the fortress.
  • Female Sage Castle Castle. Gold draw at Sage. Use the rest of the gold to get 8 gold for the province.
  • Women’s Castle Butcher Shop. Gold coin earned, 3 gold for a wise man.
  • Wise men wise men castle castle butcher. Wise man and castle castle butcher. Genshu for 9 gold after acquiring 2 gold coins.
  • 4 Gold. Market at a special price.
  • Female Sage. I’m short on action after pulling a female sorceress with a sage. 6 gold for a gold coin? Let’s leave it as a night raid.
  • Wise Castle Castle butcher shop, gold coins. I’m losing 2 points with 3 pieces left in the province. I should put a silver coin in the province. I draw with too many fortresses before that, oops, here come the gold coins and the butcher, w. I gain two provinces, a 10-point lead, and buy a wise man for 3 gold.
  • 5 Gold. Buy a butcher.
  • Sage market woman magician. She is a wise woman and pulls night raids.
  • A draw at Castle Castle brought a butcher and gold coins. The province was won by winning the province.

In addition, the AI was surprisingly coming to shoot the not-quite-woman-magician. imageimage

This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/Dominion 2022-02-22]( 2022-02-22) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.