image Let’s think and play properly. The opponent is Hard AI.

Hmmm…lots of cards I’ve never seen before. First, think for yourself without looking at online explanations.

  • Fool’s Gold, First Look.
    • A treasure that becomes more powerful when gathered together. 1 gold for 2 costs is inferior to a copper coin, but if you get 2 out, they cost 5 gold, which is equivalent to a silver coin gold coin, and since they cost 4, they are a 5-cost bargain compared to a silver coin gold coin. The problem is that you need a considerable amount to cover it.
    • I feel like I have to buy these strong systems when they gather because I don’t want them to be bought up by the other side.
    • In situations where you start buying endgame victory point cards and the deck thins out, can you exchange them for gold coins? Nice.
  • Hori Terminal Draw
  • Watch, first look
    • I feel that not consuming actions and requiring the disposal of one piece after seeing three pieces is very restrictive, and I wonder if it is effective in compressing the early stages of the video and the mansion full of video.
    • I have a feeling it will be a dead card after compression.
  • Butler, I’ve seen it before, but what was it?
    • Draw, coin, and discard selection cards
    • If destruction is the goal, is this better than watching? After compression, you can use it for draws or coins.
    • Uh, unlike the lookout, it’s a terminal action.
  • Conclave, first time
    • +2 coins
    • If you have an action card in your hand that is not on the field, you can use it for another +1 action, so it’s really +2.
  • duplication
    • Another card is acquired when a card with a cost of 6 or less is acquired in the tavern reserve.
    • You can earn 2 gold coins when you buy gold coins.
  • Duke Special Victory Points
  • harbor
    • Draw + purchase, lasts 2 turns
  • forging
    • Destroyed and cost combined to acquire
  • Court, first time
    • 3 times action use
  • Chameleon Habits
    • Draws and coins are swapped.
    • Mhm, the conclave is turning into a draw card. Wouldn’t it be pretty good if you could use the card you drew after you drew it?
  • Project: Evil Deviousness
    • You can accumulate 1 draw right each turn.

Supply Check

  • Action increase: Conclave, Court
    • Court + butler” yields 6 gold.
  • Draw: moat, butler, conclave + chameleon, landing place, deviousness
    • The devious “accumulate tokens and use them when you have a bad hand” approach sounds good.
  • Purchase: Boat Terminal
  • Compression: watchman, butler, forging
  • Attacks: None
  • Special Victory Points: Duke

policy consideration

  • I’d like to verify that the conclave can perform the drawn action.
  • Compression and buying a genus state seems like a good idea.
  • There could be a line to increase the dukedom all over with duplicates.
  • I’m going to play with this supply a few times, so let’s go the route of using something I’ve never used before first.
    • Butler, deviousness. Thereafter, while compressing with the butler, buy fool’s gold for 2 gold, silver coins for 3 gold, a conclave for 4 gold and a landing place for 5 gold.
    • I think it is difficult to aim to draw out every turn because there is no easy-to-use action increase and draw. I would draw more to increase the turnover rate.
      • If the landing place comes once every two times, it’s always a +1 purchase, so the court + butler will be able to make good use of the 6 gold produced by the court + butler.

Let’s do it, Round 1

  • AI has been playing exactly the same w
  • T3: Destroy the mansion and fool’s gold for 2 gold
  • T4: Conclave with 4 gold and silver coins, but learning is a priority.
  • T5: Butler, Conclave, Copper 3
    • I’m torn between discarding more with the butler or not and buying a landing place, because I just discarded two cards, so if the landing place comes in at this time, it’ll be every turn draw and increase the turnover without compressing it now.
    • 7 gold, so you can buy a court, but not now, I feel.
    • I have six cards left in the deck, so if I draw on the butler, the landing place I just bought is instantly shuffled.
    • Conclave, 2 draws with butler, copper coin comes, 7 gold, 5 gold to buy a landing place.
  • T6: Copper Coin 3 Fool’s Gold 1
    • Buy silver? Draw 3 for a devious token?
    • Let’s draw three.
    • Steward, landing, 5 gold.
    • Backstage playing the boatyard and pulling a conclave.
    • Oh, but I also drew a copper coin, so that’s 6 gold. I can buy a gold coin.
  • T7: Butler 6 copper coins
    • Compression or buy a gentry state for 8 gold.
    • Compress and buy silver coins for 4 gold?
    • Oh, and we’re buying more, so we can have fool’s gold x2.
  • T8: Conclave, copper coins, fool’s gold, gold coins
    • Conclave with +2 gold and poof!
    • Shall we try the conclave + chameleon?
      • There is an option to use devious tokens…
    • I drew fool’s gold x2 w
      • I wanted to verify that I could use the action card I drew.
    • 13 gold in total, purchase 1 → Province
  • T9: Steward, landing, 3 coppers
    • Well, first of all, I’ll use the pier.
    • 4 copper coins
    • Is the Fool’s Gold x2 subtle here? Conclave?
  • T10: Opponent gains a province, will you turn fool’s gold into gold?
    • Hand, copper coins, fool’s gold x2, gold coins, so even if you discard one, you can still buy a genus state (Note: misjudgment).
    • Oops, you can replace any number of cards in your hand, or just one.
    • I was only going to use those eight gold pieces to buy the genshĹ«tĹŤ, but I got a conclave and gold coins at the dock.
    • Oh, fool’s gold, if you destroy one of the two pieces, the rest is not one gold!
    • The chameleon conclave safely drew the fool’s gold.
    • Can I use an action card drawn in a conclave?
    • 12Kin, Genus and Conclave
  • T11: Butler, Copper 4
    • Draw 4 cards with the devious tokens!
    • Chameleon Conclave with 2 draws
    • The landing sites drawn by the conclave can be used.
      • Correct behavior?
      • Well, if it’s available, we’ll use it.
      • Draw more conclaves
    • Chameleon Conclave Draws Conclave
      • I can use the original butler I had, but not the conclave.
      • Oh, because the conclave is already in place.
      • I have 13 gold now, so I have the choice of destroying the copper coins with the butler, or +4 coins with the butler and the conclave to buy 2 genus states.
      • I’m at the end of the line, so I’ll buy a genshu.
  • T12: Opponent also buys a province and has one card left, the score is 25 for me and 22 for opponent, and I have 2 gold coins and fool’s gold in my hand, so I cannot reach the province.
    • I was going to draw in a trick, I thought.
    • Oh, the gold coins came from the effect of the shipyard. W. Purchase of the province of the genus and victory.

image The other party is a butler, a landing place.

second round (of tennis, etc.)

  • We won easily, so now let’s ban the conclave and duplicate, duke and ducal.
  • I can’t get more actions, by the time I get the court, the deck is full, should I use less terminal actions?
    • And don’t even get me started on the boat docks.
    • I’m having a hard time deciding whether or not to compress with a butler.
    • Hmmm… I still think the previous plan is easier to work with.
    • Duplicates move to the mat if you use them, so they don’t squeeze the deck as much?
    • Is it inevitable that the deck turnover will go down in the Duke’s Duchy anyway?
    • I feel like I should throw away the copper coins, though.
    • Should I play it as differently as possible to learn, or not include a butler, first hand silver + duplicate (duplicate stero)
  • silver coin
  • Play duplicates, 4 gold to buy duplicates or silver coins, or silver coins, or, nay, insurance against accidents in hand with deviousness.
  • 6 gold, buy gold coins and activate replication.
  • 5 gold… the dukedom is not ready yet, maybe a silver coin.
  • Reproduction, 5k gold
    • Three draws for deviousness!
    • 10 gold.
    • buy a state of the genus
  • 7 gold, buy gold coins and duplicate
  • 6 Gold, Gold Coin
  • 6 Gold, Gold Coin
  • 8Kin, Province
  • Reproduction, 5k gold
    • 4 draws by deviousness!
    • 12 gold, buy a genus state
  • My opponent and I each have three cards, and we’ll be done before we can buy the public domain.
    • Oh, right, I should have bought the dukedom instead of the silver coins.
  • 10 gold to buy a province
  • The other party also buys and loses.
    • Me:Province 4, House 3
    • AI: 4 provinces, 2 duchies, 2 villas
  • AI was again a butler plus a landing place.

Third round with the same strategy

  • Reproductions + silver coins

  • conspiracy

  • Reproduction, fool’s gold at 2 gold

  • silver coin

  • 5 gold, 2 draws by deviousness, gold coins purchased and duplicated.

  • Play duplicate, buy gold coins and duplicate

  • Buy gold coins

  • 4 gold, 2 draws for deviousness, buy a gentry state

    • Let’s buy public domain instead of gold from here.
  • Reproduction, 6 gold, not gold coins, public domain, to be reproduced.

  • The other party bought a gentry state, do you want to turn the kingdom of fools into gold coins?

    • If I change it, it will be 7 gold, so I’ll pass.
  • 6K gold for public domain

  • Duke for 6 gold, now that he has 4 dukes, he will have 4 dukes from then on.

  • 8 gold. If you buy a genshu, you have one card left, if you buy a genshu, it is 33 to 30, and if your opponent can buy a genshu next time, you will lose the game in reverse.

    • Possibly, there is a line that if you draw 4 in a devious way and get a duplicate, you can buy 2 dukes to make it 8 points 35 to 30, and your opponent wins the genus and turns it around, but the game is still not over by 1 point.
      • If that happens, I get 5 points in the public domain, so that’s an advantage.
    • Which is correct…
      • 8 cards in the deck, 12 cards in the discard pile… the duplicate would be on the discard side.
    • Purchase of the genus state
  • Oh, the duplicate came in the draw w

    • W lost the game in a predictable upset.
    • Me: 3 provinces, 4 duchies, 2 mansions
    • AI: 5 Provinces, 2 Duchies
  • Let’s consider the side that draws with Undo.

  • Draw 4 in deviousness, play duplicate, 9 gold but buy duke and duplicate.

    • The other party buys a gentry state, 35-36.
  • Public domain 40-36 for 5 gold.

    • The other party buys a province and loses.
  • Well, I still think it’s a little too much to ask for this line.

    • But I felt that the frequency of duplicates is very low.
    • Can we get away with compressing it with a butler?

Round 4 to be done by butler + duplicate

  • If you buy a butler and a duplicate on your first move, you’ll have an accident, so either butler + deviousness or butler + silver coin.
    • I’d rather have a bad card than a silver coin because the bad card averages +1 card, so 1.4 coins per turn, and it compresses it even more.
  • Butler 3 gold, 2 discarded, fool’s gold.
  • 3 gold and silver coins
  • 4 Gold, reproduction
  • Butler, 2 copper coins, fool’s gold, mansion
    • 2 discarded and fool’s gold.
  • Reproduction 5 gold
    • 4 draws for deviousness
    • The butler’s here.
    • Reproductions, gold coin reproductions
  • The other party purchases a gentry state, and the fool’s gold is made into a gold coin?
    • If you do, 6 gold, if you don’t, 10 gold.
    • Let’s buy a genus state.
      • Looks like the other party turned it into a gold coin.
  • Reproduction 4 gold
    • Hmmm, I only have one draw… but I’ll use it.
    • Here comes the gold coin!
    • Reproductions, gold coin reproductions
  • Butler, 7 gold, fool’s gold. Would you trade a gold nugget of fool’s gold?
    • 2 gold in exchange and a butler, and a genus state.
  • 7 gold, fool’s gold >> genus without exchange
  • Duplicate 4 gold, 2 draws with deviousness.
    • 8 gold, duplicate, genus state.
  • The opponent bought the genshu and lost by one point.
  • Hmmm, this one doesn’t compress very well with the butler doing the “discard two pieces and fool’s gold” thing twice.
    • Me: 5 copper coins, 1 fool’s gold, 1 silver coin, 5 gold coins, 7 others.
    • AI: 6 copper coins, 4 fool’s gold bars, 6 gold coins, 8 others
    • You have a lot of fool’s gold, you have more purchase rights at the landing, and you’re using the extra coins as fool’s gold.
    • Hmmm, here I used the boat landing too, it’s just an imitation of AI…
    • Okay, let’s use the conclave.

Round 5 in silver coin conclave duplicate

  • First Hand Silver Conclave
  • 6 Gold, Gold Coin
  • 2Kin, Hori
  • Conclave for +2 coins, moat for 2 draws, 7 gold for gold
  • 5 gold…by devious means.
  • 5 gold moat, 6 gold in belly draw, gold coins
  • 5 gold, duplicated here
  • 5 gold moat, draw and gold coin
  • Conclave 5 gold, draw 6 gold, gold coins. I think I’ve had enough by now.
  • 6 gold duplicates, 2 public domain
  • Draw at moat, 6 gold, public domain
  • Chameleon Conclave, 12 gold, only one right to purchase the genus state.
  • Reproduction, 9k gold. Province of
  • 2 gold moat, 1 genshu left, 12 points difference. Impossible. There are 8 devious tokens, not being used effectively. Even if I use these now, I can’t sow them because I only have one purchase right.
  • I knew, essentially, that the only additional right to purchase in this supply, the boat landing, is required for the deck.

Round 6 at the landing site + replication

  • First move is silver coins + deviousness
  • silver coin
  • duplication
  • 7 gold… gold coins, or rather, a forge or court that is not used at all?
    • (The courts don’t overlap in any way, no matter how you think about it.)
    • Can you dispose of a batch of copper coins by forging from a devious draw, or two silver coins into a gold coin, or a gold coin and a mansion into a genus?
    • Let’s forge it in.
  • silver coin
  • Duplication and forging came together w
    • I’ll send a duplicate to Matt and we’ll get back to you on the forging.
    • moat with two gold pieces
  • 5 gold for a boat landing.
    • Ah, there is a way to duplicate the landing place…
    • Maybe I should keep it because I can forge it.
  • 6 gold for gold
  • Reproduction 5 gold
    • Opponent buys gentry and leads by 10 points, public domain replication.
  • 5 gold, you could honestly buy a public domain here, but you have 8 devious tokens accumulated, so what the hell, let’s use them!
    • 9 gold, forging, 2 boat docks, moat, 3 mansions
      • I don’t see more action.
    • Forging destroyed 3 mansions, moats, and 1 copper coin to gain a province.
    • Purchase of the genus state with the remaining 8 gold.
    • That makes it 18-19.
  • 6 money, public domain
  • Forging, copper coins, gold coins, and dukedom2
    • hmm
    • Jusyu 1 point left, 10 point difference.
    • Draw 1 for deviousness.
      • Genshu is here…

It would have been fun to win the same supply in two completely different ways, but it didn’t work out the way I thought it would, and the first plan was the most successful, so I guess it’s okay.

Oh, that’s right, I said, “First, let’s think for ourselves without looking at the online commentary. Let’s look at the explanations.

  • Collect combo parts in duplicate.
    • Duplication is a terminal action, so it’s hard to increase with stero
  • The reserve card is no longer on the field, so it is subject to the use of the conclave any number of times.
    • Scales from the eyes!
  • Forging is suitable for combo decks with easy cost adjustment
  • Pier Stello

I see… I see… I can roughly summarize them as these two.

  • Pier Stello
  • Duplicate + Conclave for more action, and finally a combo deck that uses the Conclave 3 times in the court for 6 gold.
    • We need a landing place too.

Let’s do the landing stero first, Round 7.

  • First move, 2 silver coins
  • 4 gold, what shall I do, I’ll be devious.
  • 5Kin, landing
  • Draw at the pier, 7 gold, maybe gold coins.
  • Draws in the effect of a landing, 5 gold, another landing.
  • 8Kin, Province
  • 6 gold. Maybe we could buy gold, but I’m thinking we could do a devious 4 draw and then do a landing draw.
    • No! Let’s subtract all the copper coins and buy 12 gold w genus states.
  • 2 gold came for 2 pieces of landing, 2 gold to buy something? Fool’s gold?
  • Draws the landing place under the effect of the landing place. 6 gold is there. Use the landing place! I buy a province.
  • 21-18, 5 gold. There are 3 gongzhou left. I could buy the gongs honestly, but I’ll have to be devious and draw two to try to get some upside.
    • Success! 8 gold, buy a genus state.
  • 3 gold on the landing, 5 gold on the draw. One gentry left, 27 to 24. buy gongs.
  • Draw!

Let’s do a replication + conclave Round 8

  • First move, butler + silver coin
  • Butler 4 gold, +2 gold to buy gold coins
  • 4K gold, conclave
  • 5Kin, landing
  • Butler Conclave 3 Gold
    • Chameleon Conclave draws 2 and plays butler for effect.
    • +2 gold to buy gold coins or throw away 2 coins, but let’s compress!
    • 3 gold to buy silver coins
  • 6 Gold, Gold Coin
  • Chameleon Conclave Butler
    • I have 7 gold. Discard and buy gold coins.
  • 4 gold at the pier, terminal action, so I’d say +2 gold at the chameleon.
    • Oh, I wonder if this will be +2 even if it is sustained.
      • No, you got drawn.
  • Conclave Butler 9 Gold
    • 12 money to buy gentry and duplicates
  • Shipyard duplicate 4k gold
    • Draw at the landing, buy genshu and moat.
  • Butler Conclave 9 Gold
    • Draw in chameleon conclave
    • Play the drawn moat
    • Butler Reproductions 12 Kin…
      • Play duplicate, buy genus state conclave, duplicate conclave.
  • They bought two genshu and lost.
    • I don’t feel like I’m putting together the combo very well.
    • Is it wrong that I bought gold coins without compressing them with a butler early in the game?

Ninth round split 5-2

  • First hand, landing place, fool’s gold
  • Conclave with 4 gold
  • Another 4k gold, another conclave? A devious scheme?
    • I’ll be devious.
  • Landing, 4 gold
    • Conclave?
  • Draw in conclave, 5 gold. Boat landing?
  • 4 Gold. Conclave? Duplicate? Draw by deviousness, 6 gold, gold coins.
  • condominium boat
    • Draw in conclave, play the landing with increased action, 7 gold. Gold? No. Court? I’ll play the court.
  • 9Kin, Province
  • court of congress
    • Perform the Chameleon Conclave three times at the Court
      • Is it possible to choose whether or not to use the habit each time instead of having to draw all three times?
      • Play drawn landing sites.
      • 6 Gold 1 Action
      • More draws, 7 gold, ugh, was +2 coins right?
      • Buy more court already!
      • No, let’s forge it.
  • Draw at the landing, court and forging draws back
    • 6 gold for gold
  • Conclave 4 Gold
    • It’s 9-26, and I can’t take it easy anymore, so I’m going to draw in a devious way!
    • Concon 6 gold…
    • Two draws at the Chameleon Conclave, the landing and forging came
    • Play the landing place…can’t do it (it’s already on the persistent card).
    • Discard 3 mansions and 6 copper coins in forging to get gold coins.
    • One more action and there is a conclave and a landing place, draw hoping to get an action in the conclave, didn’t, buy another conclave.
  • Conclave Court 4 Gold
    • Conclave at the Court
      • Once, draw and play the landing place, draw forging and landing place
      • Play second conclave, play forging, discard video and fool’s gold to moat.
        • Oh, you don’t get it in your hand, miss.
      • Third time, draw or coin, I’m torn. I already have 2 actions so I can play the remaining con ships. +2 coins would give me 8 gold and confirm the genus state. But if I draw, there’s a better chance of something happening. w
        • Draw! Conkons ship 9 gold.
      • Play the landing place, here comes the moat.
      • Play digging in the conclave
        • Oh, I’ve already pulled this off.
        • I’d better get my coins out.
      • I’m pulling out, but 13 gold, dreary, 23 points difference, I guess I’m a gentry, I can’t catch up…
  • Hori con con forge court 6 gold, it’s the last turn now, so I’m going to be devious, here comes the gold coin.
    • court conclave
      • Pulled off at 1:moat
      • 2: Forging to duplicate the conclave
      • 3: Draw and execute its duplicate
    • conclave implementation
    • 15 gold 3 purchased 1 duplicate. Hmmm, even if I get 12 points for the dukedom and ducal province, I’m still 20 points behind, so I can’t catch up. Can I just buy 3 dukes and score 13 points with the duke and hope that my opponent can’t buy a province on the next turn?
  • It didn’t work.
    • I’ve got a feeling that if it’s put together right, we could go for it.
    • I guess compression is important…

Once again, Round 10

  • 4-3, Butler, Conclave
  • 3Kin, watch
  • Conclave, draw, butler play, buy silver coins
  • 4 money, deviousness
  • The lookout, the butler, and the conclave. First, draw on the conclave, execute the lookout, discard a copper coin. Next, the butler discards two coppers and buys a moat.
  • Conclave 3 gold, draw a lookout at the conclave, discard copper coins. 4 gold…buy a duplicate.
  • Conclave the Watchful Butler. Conclave draws, duplicate comes in and is played. With one action left, he played 2 coins on the butler, bought a landing place, and duplicated it.
  • A moat, a lookout, and a butler. Not enough action, and it’s dreary, so three draws for deviousness. The conclave came!
    • If you call the dig at the conclave, you’ll leave the action, +4 cards.
    • Two landing sites and a duplicate came (I wanted a conclave).
    • Oh, the pile is already empty, it’s drawn out, then I guess I have 4 gold now, but that’s all I have, I should buy gold coins with +2 coins at the butler.
  • Butler, duplicate, landing, 1 money. Not enough action, not enough money. Chameleon the landing place and pay for the money and buy the silver coins. This brings the total to 9 gold.
  • Moat, lookout, landing, 6 gold. No action! Bad draw! Conclave coming!
  • Activate digging in conclave, 1 piece remaining.
    • No, you only have one conclave.
  • Run a duplicate, buy a conclave for 9 gold, duplicate, add 3 more!
    • I feel like I’m screwed because my opponent has already bought 4 copies of the genus state. w
  • And ship ship 6 gold. Buy gold.
  • Hori Butler Con-Con Reproduction
    • Con moat, con duplicate, con butler, con lookout (empty shot because it’s drawn out), run chameleon landing with one action left, all used up!
    • 14 gold 3 purchased. Public domain x3,duplicate.
  • Draw 2 by deviousness. Skip the hand memo because you can probably draw it out.
    • Con duplication, con replication, con moat, con watch.
    • I just barely made it, but if I buy a victory point this time, it will be impossible.
    • 12 Gold. Court, Duchy x3
  • Con duplicate, butler. 8 gold, that’s troubling. I can buy a genus state, but I still have a 9 point lead. I’m 3 points behind with the duke x2 in duplicate…should I buy the silver at 3 or not…I would if the watchman didn’t have forced discard. Or if the butler has action +1… Hmmm…maybe the silver coin.
  • My opponent bought a duke and withered. I am a duke, 6 points. Duplicate, landing place. I gain 2 dukes, and the tables are turned!
  • Court Conclave! Court Conclave
    • 1: Con duplicate
    • 2: Con moat
    • 3: No action cards available
    • harbor
    • Con butler draw
    • I have a lookout, but I’m afraid to use it, I think I have another duplicate, but oh, it came with the draw of the conclave.
    • CON duplication
    • 12 gold 3 purchased, duplicates x2. got 3 dukes and got 18 points. I have 7 gold left. Court.
  • Court Conclave Reproductions. Get 3 reproductions.
    • We’re up by 22 points, so it’s like we won, but it’s hard to finish.
  • 4 draws of deviousness. No conclave by any chance. 10 gold to buy a genus state.
  • Court steward, all in virtual currency, 8 gold to buy a gentry state.
    • We won 72-44!
  • I like that the conclave and duplicate pair can be used as many times as you want to get “+1 action +2 cards + duplicate”.
    • I bought miscellaneous cards early on to feed the conclave, but I could have kept the silver coins and collected them for duplication.

Whew, at any rate, I was able to play against the Hard AI, win with a strategy I devised myself without looking at anything, seal that strategy, and win with another strategy, a draw with a landing stero, and a draw combo.


  • I also won at the landing stelo.
    • When you only have 1 action, you may not be able to use the draw, so make the landing place +2 coins with the chameleon
    • image

This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/Dominion 2022-02-21]( 2022-02-21) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.