What would you like to see happen in this conversation?
I need to write a test for this chat system, but I need to organize how to test it.
What type of chat system is that?
User enters, extracts keywords, and asks questions
What type of user is this user?
I’m human, but it’s hard for a human to input and test every time, so I want to test mechanically.
What kind of each time is that each time?
What type of NGKW is that NGKW?
This is a command to delete keywords, but there is something wrong with that being used in the question text. They must have bugged it during porting. I want to test these things without using humans.
What kind of person is that person?
Send string
What type of string is it?
Sometimes it’s just plain Japanese, sometimes it’s a command.
What kind of Japanese is that?
What type of keywords are those?
String to be used for questions
Is there anything else about that string?
It’s possible to have an input that doesn’t contain keywords.
Is there anything else you can tell us about those keywords?
The bug that makes you choose commands as keywords.
Where are those keywords?
in the input string.
Where is the string located?
Given to the server via network
What type of server is it?
The chat system card is running, I want to test it.
Is there anything else about that chat system?
I want to fix a lot of things, but I don’t want to break the bank.
This is a command to delete keywords, but there is something wrong with it being used in the question text. It must have been bugged during porting. I want to test these things without using humans.
- What else can you tell us about this human being?
Human input is time-consuming, so I want the program to do it for me and observe the results.
Where is that human being?
What type of NG is that NG?
This one’s buggy, too.
What type of bug is it?
Expected output is not obtained after command execution
What type of output is that output?
Don’t ask questions about the command string, if you can describe the expected output, that’s the test.
Is there anything else about its output?
Just read the response directly from the server.
Is there anything else about that server?
Having memories is tricky, so let’s create a memory-free environment for testing and use that mechanism.
What type of memory is that memory?
Since the memory for each user will be added in the future, you can set the user name as test and remove that user during the test.
What is it that you value?
Being tested will give you peace of mind and allow you to make corrections.
This one is buggy too.
- Is there anything else you can tell us about this bug?
When you discover these things when you’re using a human being, it makes you as a user and as a developer, and it distracts you from your focus.
Where is this human being located?
(Ignore the question.) For now, let’s write code to hit the API for various commands and check the response.
What type of response is that response?
Only text is returned in JSON. If you want to check the internal status, you need a different mechanism; it would be better to download and verify Firebase records directly.
When you discover this kind of thing when you are using a human being, it makes you as a user and as a developer, and it distracts you from your focus.
- What is this human being like?
It’s like he’s doing a play and coaching his co-stars in acting.
When you discover this kind of thing when you are using a human being, it makes you as a user and as a developer, and it distracts you from your focus.
- Where do these humans come from?
You’re the author, so when you see a bug, you want to fix it.
Where is the bug?
In the chat system
Where is that chat system?
It’s running on Heroku, is it better to run it locally when testing?
When you discover this kind of thing when you are using a human being, it makes you as a user and as a developer, and it distracts you from your focus.
- How do you know this person?
Is there anything else about that NG?
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/テストの方針を相談 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.