On April 13-14, nishio and Glen Weyl worked on pull request (PR) #884.
- nishio reported that he has completed the indexing data and that the next phase, visual formatting, will be handled by Jason Entenmann.
- nishio manually completes the keywords (50-80) that could not be detected by the script and determines that little additional work is needed.
- two unfinished tasks: (1) italicizing book and movie titles, and (2) verifying that ROC and PRC are pointing to the correct location.
- Glen Weyl pointed out a conflict in PR#884. The cause was that Glen and nishio edited the same file (index.txt).
- nishio suggested taking Glen’s changes and reflecting them in the index_for_copyedit.md file.
- nishio used a script to automatically merge most of Glen’s changes and manually merge the rest. nishio stated that he cannot guarantee that he fully understands Glen’s intent, so a review is needed before approval.
- finally, nishio and Glen Weyl agreed to transfer and format the index and the work was completed.
- Diary 2024-04-12 ← Diary 2024-04-13 → Diary 2024-04-14 100 days ago Diary 2024-01-04. 1 year ago Diary 2023-04-13.
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