DAO to create the world’s best products|Kohei Nagata

Ideas conceived in a state of limited understanding are of low quality. →News media started

  • I seenishio.icon

Following the news may give you the big picture, but it does not reveal the details of what opportunities and problems are arising now. I want to dive deeper to create products and get insights better than anyone else.

Index Coop doesn’t belong to any country, it’s an organization that exists only on the Internet.

How will DAOs be implemented in society in the future?

  • DeFI… decentralized control and aimed to be managed and operated only in the democratic way of voting on proposals.

Create a joint account on the blockchain and own or purchase something in the community

  • Staking in a joint account would be interesting.
  • Same as what we are doing now with incorporated associations and foundations.
  • I was thinking that it would be too much of a hassle to create a foundation for personal purposes, but now I see that there is a way to make it a DAO.
    • Smart Contracts for Organizational Decision Making

Member retention issues

  • Low hurdles to participation → large percentage of part time workers not aligned with the organization - It’s like running Volunteer Organizations.
    • Lowering the bar to increase participation

Talk about DAO governance being a problem.

The uniqueness of the DAO is that almost all of the discussions behind the decisions that have been made are available on the public forum

What a DAO is was vague to me as well, but my opinion was solidified. A DAO is a blockchain-based governance tool for communities to jointly own and manage their assets, that is.

As of June 2023, DeFi’s governance participation rate averages 3-5%.

This page is auto-translated from /nishio/DAOで世界一のプロダクトを作る using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.