from [[Azure Tech Day March 2024 Edition]]
Oda Nobunaga’s three-stage firefight
- Avoidance by operation] of the shortcomings of the new technology and high results.
I found the video YouTube.
- He reviewed the history of IT in the past, explaining that windowing with a mouse, personal computers, the Internet, smartphones, and cloud computing have emerged and become commonplace.
- Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, which was introduced in November 2022, is also expected to become commonplace in the future.
- He asserted that the introduction of ChatGPT is no longer a question of whether to introduce it, but when.
- He explained that generative AI can help companies solve both inward-looking issues (e.g., improving efficiency, productivity, and human resource development) and outward-looking issues (e.g., improving customer satisfaction and creating new services and businesses).
- He argues that ChatGPT is not perfect, but should be used as a tool to help with everyday tasks, like a washing machine. - Parable of the Washing Machine
- He stressed the importance of overcoming fears and doubts that some people may have about new technology to learn and use it.
- He explained the importance of utilizing new technology without fear, citing as an example the episode of Nobunaga Oda’s proactive introduction of the flintlock gun, which brought him closer to unifying Japan.
Learn more about the story of Nobunaga Oda.
The episode of Oda Nobunaga’s proactive introduction of the firearm and his approach to unifying Japan is presented as a historical example of the importance of utilizing new technology without fear.
- Introduction of the flintlock rifle: The flintlock rifle was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese on Tanegashima Island in 1543. At that time, bow and arrow and spear were the predominant weapons in Japan.
- Nobunaga’s foresight: Oda Nobunaga was quick to recognize the power and effectiveness of the firearm. At a time when other feudal lords were skeptical of firearms, Nobunaga was proactive in introducing them.
- Establishment of production system: Nobunaga seized distribution centers such as Mikawa, a major producer of guns, and established a stable route to obtain flintlock rifles and gunpowder. This is analogous to the partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI in the modern era.
- Innovative Tactics: Nobunaga organized his artillery units and adopted an innovative method of warfare known as “three-tiered firing. In this method, while the first tier was firing, the two rear tiers would make the necessary preparations for the next round, and then take turns firing in rapid succession. At the time, the weakness of firearms was that they took a long time to load, but this method overcame that weakness.
- HISTORICAL IMPACT: Nobunaga’s effective use of firearms helped him defeat many of his enemies and bring him closer to unifying the country. Nobunaga’s innovative approach had a profound impact on the history of Japan’s Warring States period.
This episode demonstrates that great results can be achieved by actively embracing new technologies, understanding their characteristics, and devising ways to overcome their weaknesses. It is suggested that if Nobunaga Oda saw an innovative technology like chat GPT, he would probably actively try to utilize it.
Through this analogy, he explained, we, the people of today, can also learn the importance of embracing and utilizing new technologies without fear.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ChatGPTと織田信長 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.