from Diary 2022-10-09 Change the order in which elements are visited.
- Re:2022/10/07
The original structure was symmetrical, but the process of displaying it as a one-dimensional sentence created a flow When I organized it on Kozaneba and made it into a one-dimensional sentence again, the flow changed like this
If you abandon these details of the text and use a two-dimensional illustration, maybe it will be easier for everyone to see that there are two ways to create a flow, and you can choose either one.
- It’s hard to notice that when you’re looking at the details of a sentence.
- I didn’t realize it when I started tinkering with the text in this case study either.
- I chopped it up and placed it on the Kozaneba.
It was not until two days later that I was able to look down and realize that this was, in essence, the composition of the event.
- There are two streams.
- I just thought of it and drew it for fun, no deep meaning.
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