I made it as an idea, and as of October 2020, I’m so addicted to it that every day I demand, “Hey, get me that toy!
Glitter part
- I recently bought one of these at a pet store, so I no longer know the manufacturer or anything.
- about 7 cm
- He seems to like the sound of rustling, and even if you leave him lying around, he taps and rolls himself to chase after you.
- This is similar in appearance to the one you can buy online, but this one is only 4 cm long.
- Amazon
- I’ve done a lot of research and can’t seem to find anything big enough.
- I think I can make it myself since it’s only held together with ties.
- If I can’t repurchase, I’ll think about it.
- Turns out it’s a “chianyan.”
- https://www.california-bamboo.jp/sp/shopping/?pid=1383870776-073958&p=1&ca=9
- The smaller one is 7 cm for the purpose and the larger one is 13 cm
- Note that when you purchase, the password is sent to you in plain text in an email.
The rod section is this.
I originally liked this toy too, but the more I played with it, the more the wings would break off and fall apart.
The tip is a replaceable hook, so if a feather is ruined, another can be attached to the rod.
Unlike integrated rods:.
- Not bulky when stored
- bend like a fishing rod
- The lighter the tip, the smaller the burden on the person wielding it.
- I would connect these two,
- The tying band part is too tight to pass the hook through.
- If you stick it in the seat area, it will tear off while you play with it.
- So use a ring of word cards.
- If you attach this to the nub of the crumb ball, it won’t come off and it’s reasonably heavy.
way of playing (a game)
If you swing higher than eye level, they try to knock you off.
When they can’t reach you, they jump to try to catch you.
Hide it where you can’t see it and you’ll get excited.
For some reason, when I put him on the couch, he hustles and jumps on me.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/猫のおもちゃ using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.